Saturday, March 9, 2019

Let's celebrate International Women's Day!


Hi to all! This is Nisreen of Tokyo.

March 8th was International women's day.

Let's use this opportunity to celebrate the womanhood!

I look to make this world a safer, brighter, better place for all of us, including all women (not only cis women, but also trans women!)

If I really want to see this change happen, I should start with the "woman in the mirror." 

I first need to create and protect the safe space in my heart. 
That means saying YES to the self-love.

I'm enough.

I'm beautiful.

I'm powerful.

I'm perfect, even though I'm not considered perfect in someone's eyes.

I have been stopped by the judgement, the disempowerment, the objectification, the prejudice, and most of all, the self-degradation.
Being okay with who I am is, revolutionary to me. It's still not very easy, honestly!

 There is nothing like the pleasure of sharing the vulnerability, the hope, the vision with the folks from all over the world and unite with them.

 I appreciate the power of the words, the art, the dance, and the creativity,

photographed by Fuka

Fuka san's website

☆ニスリーン イベント情報 
Upcoming events☆こちら

●2019/03/31(日)20:00_西早稲田 ドラードギャラリー ムーヴ・クロッキー会

■日時Date 3/31(日)午後8時〜10時p.m 8:00-10:00 March 31st,2019
■場所Venue ドラードギャラリー西早稲田Dorado Garelly
■会費Charge 2500円  2500yen
■申し込み先 Reservation
●メール E-mail
明記。追って、ご返信させていただきます。Please write your name, address, phone number and that you're applying to the sketch gathering with a Belly Dancer on March 31st.
●お電話 Tel  03−6809ー3808
(水曜をのぞく12〜20時 12:00a.m-8:00p.m closed on Wednesday
■定員 maximum 10人位 10people


都営新宿線、有楽町線、総武線) 市ヶ谷駅付近

■レッスン料金など詳細は こちら


[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello Nisreen, how are you? It looks like spring is finally around the corner! On Saturday March ...