
Showing posts from February, 2019

[Bilingual post]【告知】【Announcement】【2019/3/31(日)20時ー22時 】【踊るモデルになります】March 31st,2019 I'll be a model!

こんにちは!オリエンタルを日々是研究★ベリーダンサー、Nisreen(ニスリーン)です♪ 突然ですが・・・・モデルになります。 Hi to all, this is Nisreen of Tokyo! A good news..I'll be a model<3 日本のガウディ、梵寿綱氏による曲線美溢れる建築が目を惹くドラードギャラリー 西早稲田。 ムーヴクロッキー(※動く姿を短い時間でスケッチすること)会にてベリーダンサー、ニスリーンがモデルをさせて頂くことになりました😊 There'll be a sketch gathering in this fabulous art garelly, Dorado Nishi Waseda. I'll dance as a model. The theme of the gatheing is capturing the movement in sketch. 撮影:エリックペルティエ ✦その場で描くのは自信ない…という方も、写真やビデオに収めてご自宅で作品モチーフにして頂くのもok! クロッキー未経験の方や、ベリーダンス自体を見たい!という方も歓迎な温かな会です💗 It's welcome to film my dance and draw it at home if you're not confident enough to draw at the venue. New drawing-lovers, anyone who is interested in Belly Dance as an art form, this gathering is also for you! ギャラリー内は画家でありオーナーの小原聖史氏によって集められた美術品や、ご自身の作品に溢れ、居るだけで夢心地な場所です。✨ 実は、もともと私自身が小原さんの作品の大ファン!元々私は美大生でアートをずっと大切にしてきたということもあり、このような素敵な機会をくださった小原さんに感謝で一杯です。 是非、Artな日曜日を一緒に過ごしましょう。✨✨ You'll enjoy fabulous


Thoughts.. I've heard  a lot about how the Belly dancers who "dress/behave like prostitutes damage our image as Belly Dancers" from Japanese, Western, and ME dancers. And according to them, those "irresponsible dancers" caused situations that serious dancers have to face the sexual harassment/abuse. Here is my question.  Is it okay to harass/abuse/bully women if they're sex workers or "look like sex workers"(if  that even makes sense)? Absolutely NO. Sex workers agreed to provide certain kinds of  services under certain circumstances. That does NOT mean that they gave up on the ownership of their own bodies.  And there are women who are forced to get involved in that industry while there are also sex  workers who actually chose their job. And  none of them deserves to be called their names especially by strangers.   Photographed by Mr.エリックペルティエ  I'm oppose to stigmatizing other women who are already marginalized in the socie