Sunday, February 10, 2019

[Bilingual post]【告知】【Announcement】【2019/3/31(日)20時ー22時 】【踊るモデルになります】March 31st,2019 I'll be a model!

Hi to all, this is Nisreen of Tokyo! A good news..I'll be a model<3
日本のガウディ、梵寿綱氏による曲線美溢れる建築が目を惹くドラードギャラリー 西早稲田。ムーヴクロッキー(※動く姿を短い時間でスケッチすること)会にてベリーダンサー、ニスリーンがモデルをさせて頂くことになりました😊

There'll be a sketch gathering in this fabulous art garelly, Dorado Nishi Waseda. I'll dance as a model. The theme of the gatheing is capturing the movement in sketch.


It's welcome to film my dance and draw it at home if you're not confident enough to draw at the venue. New drawing-lovers, anyone who is interested in Belly Dance as an art form, this gathering is also for you!

You'll enjoy fabulous antique collections and art works of the owner of the garelly, Mr. Kiyoshi Ohara while drawing. This building itself is gracefully designed and filled with magical feelings! I'm so excited and greatful to Mr.Ohara for giving me this special opportunity to perform at my favorite place in this world. This event means a lot to me since my background is also an artist and I have always had love for ART. Most of all, I'm a huge fan of Mr.Ohara's art works! Let's have an artistic weekend together.

■日時Date 3/31(日)午後8時〜10時 p.m 8:00-10:00 March 31st,2019
■場所Venue ドラードギャラリー西早稲田Dorado Garelly website
〒162-0041東京都 新宿区 早稲田 鶴巻町  517 ドラード和世陀103
■会費Charge 2500円  2500yen
■申し込み先 Reservation
●メール E-mail
明記。追って、ご返信させていただきます。 Please write your name, address, phone number and that you're applying to the sketch gathering with a Belly Dancer on March 31st.
●お電話 Tel 03−6809ー3808
(水曜をのぞく12〜20時 12:00a.m-8:00p.m closed on Wednesday
■定員 maximum 10人位 10people

☆ニスリーン イベント情報 
Upcoming events☆こちら


●2019/03/31(日)20:00_西早稲田 ドラードギャラリー ムーヴ・クロッキー会


都営新宿線、有楽町線、総武線) 市ヶ谷駅付近

■レッスン料金など詳細は こちら


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