Saturday, April 6, 2019

[Bilingual post]【ショー後記】【Show report】【Performance at Dodrado Garelly】March 31st,2019

Hi to all! This is Nisreen of Tokyo.
 I was privileged enough to perform in this fascinating art garelly in Waseda..


It was wonderful to be a part of  their art gathering..
Also I was surprised by the amount of strength I needed for posing.
Intense but  meditating at the same time.
I felt quiet and selfless while posing..


A huge thank you to an owner of the garelly, an artist, Mr. Satoshi Ohara for giving me such a special opportunity💛

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[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep9 – How Belly Dancing Expanded My Horizon /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード9- ベリーダンスはどのように私の世界を広げたか

            Japanese follows English/ 日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the ninth episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lov...