
[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Episode 1 Do Japanese People Really Cheat? /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード1 「日本人は浮気者」は本当か?

        Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the first episode of Season Two of my podcast! I’m so happy to be back. How have you all been? Today’s topic is: “Do Japanese People Really Cheat?” I know it sounds a bit like clickbait, but I assure you, I’m serious. And yes, it is related to art. For those who don’t know, I’m Japanese, and currently living in the U.S. The other day, I stumbled across a video by a Japanese YouTuber who seemed really concerned about a stereotype circulating online: that Japanese people, particularly women, are untrustworthy, and more prone to infidelity.  Please find the episode and script below. The episode is available on   Apple Podcasts  and  Spotify  as well. X Script Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the first episode of Season Two of my podcast! I’m so happy to be back. How have you all been? Today’s topic is: “Do Japanese People Really Cheat?” I know it sounds a bit like clickbait, but I assure you, I’m s

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21-I Completed My Bachelor's Degree in Fundamental Psychology! / アメリカ絵日記21 「通信大学の基礎心理学コース履修終わりました!」

       Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hi all, this is Nisreen. How are you?  こんにちは、ニスリーンです!お元気ですか?   I have great news—I finally completed my bachelor's degree in Fundamental Psychology! I began taking this online university course a year and a half ago. My initial motivation was to fulfill the prerequisite requirements to potentially study art therapy in the future. Since I already had a bachelor's degree in graphic design from a university in Tokyo, I needed to obtain a degree in psychology as well. 今日はちょっとした嬉しいお知らせがあります。最近ついに、基礎心理学の学士号を修めることができたことです。この通信大学のコースを取り始めたのは1年半ほど前でした。 最初は、今後もしもアートセラピーの修士コースを取ろうとした場合に必要な学位だからという理由でした。もともと私が持っていたのはグラフィックデザインの学士号だったのですが(東京の大学で取得しました)、アートセラピーを学ぶためには心理学の学位を持っている必要もあるのです。   I didn’t expect to enjoy learning so much about American society from a psychological perspective. It was fascinating to explore the deeper layers of both the challenges and hopes within this inspiring country. This journey also helped me improve my English prof

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 20- Dance Community Rocks‼ / アメリカ絵日記20 「ダンスコミュニティの力」

     Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hi all, this is Nisreen. How are you? I can't believe it's already October! こんにちは、ニスリーンです!もう10月だなんて信じられませんね・・。皆さんお元気でしょうか。   In September, Troupe Oasis, the dance troupe I’m a part of, took on the exciting challenge of hosting our first all-day event, sponsored by the Indiana Belly Dance Collective (INBC).  9月は挑戦の月でした。私の入っているダンストゥループ、Troupe Oasisが初めて、INBCスポンサーで1日がかりのダンスイベントを開催するという大きな出来事があったのです。 The whole experience reminded me of how thankful I am for our dance community’s warmth. It wasn’t just about learning new techniques— it was truly about spending time together and sharing our love for dance! 終わってみて、私のいるダンスコミュニティは本当に暖かいなあとしみじみ有難みを実感しています!ただ単にダンス技術を学ぶことだけではなく、 みんなで一緒に楽しい時間を分かち合い、ダンス愛を確かめ合う時間になったと思います。   In the videos below, you can check out an interview with our director, Deborah, in which she shares her thoughts on the event. 下のビデオで、私たちのディレクターのDeborahさんがイベントへの思いについてお話しているところを見ていただけます。   We kicked off the day with

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 19-We went to Sophie Ellis-Bextor Concert!' / アメリカ絵日記19 「Sophie Ellis-Bextorのコンサートに行ってきました」

     Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載  Hi all! This is Nisreen.   皆さん、こんにちは!ニスリーンです。 The other day, I had the pleasure of attending a concert by British pop musician Sophie Ellis-Bextor, and it was my first time seeing her live!   先日、英国人ポップ歌手であるソフィー・エリス=ベクスターのコンサートに出かける機会に恵まれました Sophie is best known for her disco-inspired music and performances, especially her "Kitchen Disco" live streams during the COVID-19 lockdown, which brought joy to so many. I ’ ve always enjoyed her music, as well as her podcast , where she interviews 'busy working women who happen to be mothers.'   ソフィーは、ディスコ風の音楽とパフォーマンスでよく知られています。特にCOVID-19のロックダウン中に自宅から行った 「キッチン・ディスコ 」のライブストリームは、沢山の人を笑顔にしたと言われています。私は彼女の音楽だけでなく、「母親でもある忙しい働く女性たち」にインタビューする 彼女のポッドキャスト のファンです! Like A Prayer - Sophie Ellis-Bextor (Live on Instagram) She was even better live than I expected! What stood out most was her natural, down-to-earth stage presence. It was refreshing to see someone so charismatic completely own the stage

[Bilingual post] My Dance Journey ダンスの旅

         Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 To be honest, there have been times when I questioned whether performing is really worth all the time, energy, and financial investment. It might have been a 'big city' thing -- in a place like Tokyo, it often feels like you're expected to have a cut-throat attitude, and compete constantly, which doesn't feel rewarding to me. But now that I’ve relocated to a smaller town in the States, I’ve rediscovered what performing arts, or any art form, truly means to me: it’s a universal language that lets you connect with people anywhere in the world. I’m so glad I didn’t stop exploring this art form, and that my journey continues. Photos and performance videos from Mosey: -Upcoming Events- September 21st INBC SUMMER'S END EVENT -Follow me- Instagram Podcast FB contact form Website -Related blog posts- [Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.16 Is Belly dancing for All Sizes and Shapes? /ポッドキャスト Ep.16 ベリーダンスは「どんな体型も歓迎な踊り」か? [Bilingual post] P

My Dance Videos 2023-

 Nisreen's performance videos ニスリーンの動画。適宜更新いたします。 The first song/ Based on choreography by: Athena Najat Music: Para Bizde by Rumeli Orhan Kemal Performance: Nisreen          The second song/          Choreography: Nisreen Music: Shifting Sands by Nasir Eddin and The Pharaoahs Performance: Nisreen Music: 'Fire Dance, played by  @indyraqs Venue: Indiana, United States Event: Mosey Improv Performed by: Nisreen Music: 'Aziza' by Mohammed Abdel Wahhab, played by  @indyraqs Venue: Indiana, United States Event: Mosey Improv Performed by: Nisreen Music: 'Sendur' Venue: Indiana, United States Event: Mosey Based on choreography by: Athena Najat  Performed by: Nisreen The first song/ Based on choreography by: Athena Najat  Music: Para Bizde by Rumeli Orhan Kemal Performance: Nisreen The second song/ Choreography: Nisreen Music:  Darbuka Solo Pt. 3 by Bünyamin Olguncan Performance: Nisreen Music: 'Tuta' by 'Farid al-Atrash', played by  @indyraqs Venue: Ind

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.20 What Makes Podcasts Special /ポッドキャスト Ep.20 ポッドキャストで叶える夢

       Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the 20th episode of my podcast!  Today, I’d like to take a trip down memory lane, and talk about what inspired me to start this podcast.  Please find the audio file and script below. The episode is available on    Apple Podcasts  and  Spotify  as well. X Script Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the 20th episode of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again. Today, I’d like to take a trip down memory lane, and talk about what inspired me to start this podcast.  When I was a little girl, podcasts weren’t around yet—at least not in Japan. Instead, we had radio. I used to listen to this well-known pop singer’s radio program every now and then. He would chat, play music, and have lonely hearts conversations with listeners. One night, he got a call from a teenage girl who hadn’t been to school for a couple of years after a traumatic event. She was obviously hurt and embarrassed about her situation. I expecte