Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pole Dance Tokyo発表会Vol.14を観に行って来ました!

同じくベリークイーンジャパンの美しいダンサー、Lela( Samantha)ちゃんは、ベリーダンスだけではなく、ポールダンス等他のダンスも踊ります。
Today I went to see my fellow dancer of Belly Queen Japan, Lela Samantha's other cup of tea, Pole Dance recital! It is my first time to see Pole Dance show.
Pole Dance Tokyo seems to be a large scaled school and their reach is not only Pole dancing but the other dance forms such as Aerial, show dance, etc.


あまりに官 能的なので、拍手も忘れてぼわ〜〜〜っと見てしまいました。

Lela was in ''Burlesue team'',   a chair dance with atmosphere of Burlesque or '' Chicago''  or that Aguilera's movie rather than the classic Burlesque. I even forget to applause because of the hotness and sensuality they bring!  The black lingerie is the killer!
The teacher, Mrs. Diana is the high-light of the performance for sure. She is not only strong and flexible, but has a charisma that gave me goose bumps as she appears on the stage!



About the whole show, I'd say

. The variety of the show is great, they have comedy, sexy , tragedy , fairy tale etc.
.Their toughness and braveness touches my heart,
. It seems (maybe maybe )there is no particular rule for the costume or music, so each one's creativity stands out.

As a conclusion,
I was very entertained today!
My hat's off to Lela and the great dancers of Pole Dance Tokyo!

Lelaと、Pole Dance Tokyoの皆様に拍手。



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