Tuesday, October 25, 2022






Egyptian legendary dancer -Tahia Carioca-




最近見つけたこちらの杉並区のお直し屋さんは、そのような不安をなくす繊細な手仕事を丁寧にしてくださる心強い存在です。Salon De Pomme







東京近郊の方、オンラインなどで衣装を購入される際やセカンドハンドを譲り受ける際には、是非Salon De Pommeさんでぴったりに直していただくことをお勧めします。見違えるように着こなしが楽に、そして美しくなるでしょう。✨




Wednesday, October 12, 2022

[Bilingual post] Décalcomanie -Special Show-

 Hi to all, 

This is Nisreen from Tokyo!

How are you? I am enjoying the nice and cool autumn to the sweet scent of Kinmokusei blossoms.




I am also excited to be working on a project I have secretly dreamed of for ages. Since my background is in graphic art, and I’ve always danced in order to create living art, an event where these different aspects of creativity cross path together has always been a goal for me.

I’m delighted to share we’ll be doing exactly that soon! The  Impro Art & Dance Show "Décalcomanie" is exactly the kind of show.

また、昔からのひそかな夢の通りのプロジェクトに携わることができ、わくわくしています。もともとグラフィックアート専攻で、ダンスについてもアートを体現したいという思いがあって踊ってきたので、異種芸術が交差するようなイベントはずっと一つの目標でした。 ちょうどそんな場に関わることができる予定なのです・・!

The  Impro Art & Dance Show "Décalcomanie" 

Venue: Roma Rakuda in Higashi Nakano 東中野

Date: Sunday 4th December 2022 日曜日

Open: 13:30

Show starts:14:00

Fee: ¥3,500

The show consists of four elements- impro visual art, impro dance, impro play, and impro music.  

The name "Décalcomanie" has come from a decorative technique in which engravings and prints are transferred to pottery or other materials, with the goal of creating a chemistry between different arts and different minds.



Kana: Dance and Act
Tsugumi: Dance
Seiko Takeuchi: Act
Nisreen: Dance and Art

I truly feel blessed to be a part of this show and to collaborate with talented, like-minded (and quirky) people, especially because I will be opening the new chapter of my life in the US right after this event. The show will have the special place in my heart. 

Yes, I will be leaving Tokyo. It is scary, but exciting.




I hope you can be there to share the arty (and a little nerdy) moments with us!

Please contact <higenosusume:gmail.com> (change [:] to [@]) for booking a seat.


ご予約は<higenosusume:gmail.com> にご連絡ください。( [:] を [@]に変えてください)

We created the fb event page!

fb イベントページもできました。

Update on 26th November


立案時、出演予定とお伝えしおりました、うちだよしのぶ氏とKoji Mizoi氏につきまして、残念ながら諸事情により出演が叶わなくなってしまいました。





Monday, October 3, 2022

[Bilingual Post] South Indian Dance Show Report 南インド舞踊鑑賞紀

 Hi to all!

This is Nisreen from Tokyo.


On 1st October, I had a privilege of watching the fantastic South Indian Dance (Mohiniyattam) show, produced by Hiromi Maruhashi, who is one of the most prestigious dancers of the style in Japan. This was my first time to see a Mohiniyattam performance in real life!

10 月 1 日、私は、日本で最も有名な南インド舞踊ダンサーである丸橋広実氏がプロデュースする、南インド舞踊 (モヒニヤッタム)の 素晴らしいショーを見る機会に恵まれました。モヒニヤッタムのパフォーマンスを生で見たのはこれが初めてでした!

The dances were choreographed based on Hindu stories, and complemented by the glass art collection from the Fukuoka Asia Museum. Yes, it was a collaboration of visual arts and performing arts, which was totally my kind of thing!

It was impressive on so many levels. I listed the 5 points below that I was particularly amazed by.

踊りはヒンズー教の物語に基づいて振り付けられ、福岡アジア美術館のガラス アート コレクションとのコラボレーションのショーになっていました。ビジュアル アートとパフォーミング アートの出会いということで、正に私の大好きなテーマでした。


1. Hiromi Maruhashi was not only a main dancer, but also the MC. The show was framed by her story telling before each dance performance. It helped the performances resonate with me, especially because she was humorous and fun to listen to. I also have to add that she was not out of breath at all when she danced, and came back gracefully to the MC role! I don't even know how that’s possible.

 1. 丸橋広実さんはメインダンサーなだけでなく、MCもこなされていました。


2. All dancers were well trained and professional

There were only four troupe members apart Maruhashi on stage, and I was convinced that they must've been excellent students who were chosen especially for this occasion. I enjoyed that each of them showed their personality on stage, which suited their characters very well. Even in the end of the show when they were introduced, they looked very professional in their "dancer" posture!

 2. すべてのダンサーが鍛錬されていて、プロフェッショナルでした。


3. The dancers acted, not only danced

As mentioned earlier, the dances were designed to tell stories. Hiromi Maruhashi was in particular incredibly expressive. Sometimes she appeared as a courageous god, in other times as a coquettish witch (which with was my favourite) Even though the dancers did not change their costumes, it was easy to tell which character they were playing. (For an Oriental dancer/Belly dancer like me, it was refreshing to see a great show that didn't require costume change for each song!)

 3. ダンサーは踊るだけでなく演技者でもありました。

先述のように、踊りは物語を伝えるために振り付けされていました。特に丸橋さんは表現力が凄かったです。彼女は勇敢な神として登場することもあれば、コケティッシュな魔女として登場することもありました (魔女が私のお気に入りでした)。衣装が変わらなくても、表情だけでどの役柄なのかすぐに伝わりました。(オリエンタルダンサー/ベリーダンサーにとっては、曲ごとに衣装を変更しなくても良いショーを見るのは新鮮でした・・・。)

4.The art collection was unique and enjoyable

Sometimes I wished there were more time to contemplate the art projected on the background. The harmony of the art and their gorgeous costumes was a treat for eyes.



5. The translation of the stories was excellent

There was translation of the lyrics from the songs on the display through the whole show.  I thought it was a great idea for conveying the meaning of the dances. The translation was not monotonous, but was natural and easy to empathize with.


5. ストーリーの翻訳が素晴らしかったです。


Overall, it was a conscientiously crafted show based on cultural understanding and fine techniques.



Thank you Hiromi-san and the troupe members for sharing art with the audience!

3rd October 2022

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello Nisreen, how are you? It looks like spring is finally around the corner! On Saturday March ...