Wednesday, October 12, 2022

[Bilingual post] Décalcomanie -Special Show-

 Hi to all, 

This is Nisreen from Tokyo!

How are you? I am enjoying the nice and cool autumn to the sweet scent of Kinmokusei blossoms.




I am also excited to be working on a project I have secretly dreamed of for ages. Since my background is in graphic art, and I’ve always danced in order to create living art, an event where these different aspects of creativity cross path together has always been a goal for me.

I’m delighted to share we’ll be doing exactly that soon! The  Impro Art & Dance Show "Décalcomanie" is exactly the kind of show.

また、昔からのひそかな夢の通りのプロジェクトに携わることができ、わくわくしています。もともとグラフィックアート専攻で、ダンスについてもアートを体現したいという思いがあって踊ってきたので、異種芸術が交差するようなイベントはずっと一つの目標でした。 ちょうどそんな場に関わることができる予定なのです・・!

The  Impro Art & Dance Show "Décalcomanie" 

Venue: Roma Rakuda in Higashi Nakano 東中野

Date: Sunday 4th December 2022 日曜日

Open: 13:30

Show starts:14:00

Fee: ¥3,500

The show consists of four elements- impro visual art, impro dance, impro play, and impro music.  

The name "Décalcomanie" has come from a decorative technique in which engravings and prints are transferred to pottery or other materials, with the goal of creating a chemistry between different arts and different minds.



Kana: Dance and Act
Tsugumi: Dance
Seiko Takeuchi: Act
Nisreen: Dance and Art

I truly feel blessed to be a part of this show and to collaborate with talented, like-minded (and quirky) people, especially because I will be opening the new chapter of my life in the US right after this event. The show will have the special place in my heart. 

Yes, I will be leaving Tokyo. It is scary, but exciting.




I hope you can be there to share the arty (and a little nerdy) moments with us!

Please contact <> (change [:] to [@]) for booking a seat.


ご予約は<> にご連絡ください。( [:] を [@]に変えてください)

We created the fb event page!

fb イベントページもできました。

Update on 26th November


立案時、出演予定とお伝えしおりました、うちだよしのぶ氏とKoji Mizoi氏につきまして、残念ながら諸事情により出演が叶わなくなってしまいました。





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