Sunday, February 4, 2018

【イベント後記】【2018年1月21日(日)】Alf Layla Wa Layla

【English follows Japanese】

先日、ベリーダンスサークルEshta Zharaの発表会にゲストとして出演する機会を頂きました。主催運営をしながらすばらしいパフォーマンスをパワフルにこなされたオーガナイザーのFarhanaさんには脱帽です。

Hello to all, this is Nisreen of Tokyo. 
I was given the lovely opportunity to perform as a guest dancer at the recital "Alf Layla Wa Layla" on January 21st, 2018. I'm thankful to everyone who was part of it. I take my hat off to the energetic organizer Farhana, who also showed us a phenomenal performance on that day. Thank you for having me!

 今回私がソロで踊った曲はドラムソロのほか、レバノンの歌手、Waek KhouryのSa'aloony"です。とても純な、それでいて情熱的な恋の歌なので、踊りながら感情的になっているのが自分でもわかりました・・。

I was so emotional while dancing my own solo because the song "Sa'aloony" was about a very innocent, yet passionate romance which is performed by my favorite Lebanese singer, Wael Khoury.

However, I was even more emotional when I saw my student, Miriam dancing her very first solo performance.
As a teacher, and as a person, there is nothing fulfilling like seeing people challenging their fear, overcoming it, and be who they really are. It's simply beautiful and moving.
I feel very fortunate to be part of that process. This is maybe why I perceive my class as a door to our own spiritual journey through the middle eastern music.

生演奏で踊ってお腹もいっぱいになる、Sweet Habibi Live💛
And now, we move on to the season of LOVE! We'll have a PARTY.
Live music, game, dance show, the best Iranian dinner and sweets are waiting for you.
Reserve a seat now.;)

〒105-0000  東京都港区西麻布3-2-6 六本木安田ビル2F

Saturday, February 10th. 2018

オープン Open 18時
ディナースタート Dinner starts 19時
ライブ/ダンスタイム Live and dancing20時~20時45分
ゲーム Game 20時45分~
ショー Show time 21時~
ライブ/ダンスタイム Live and dancing 21時半~22時
Pre-paid tichket 6,000円(ディナー、スイーツ、ショーなど飲み物以外の全てを含みます。 including the food, the live and everything except drinks.)
当日お支払いTicket on the day :6,500円

Paul Doroshevich、Hcin Jbail、Ito Atsushi
Farhana(a.k.a Rin)
And.. Tariq!!

★ご予約 Reservation★

タイトル「2/10sweet habibi申し込み」で

①お名前 Your name
②チケット枚数 The number of the tickets
③ご連絡先電話番号 Your contact number


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