Friday, September 13, 2019

[Bilingual post] Autumn is a season of impro! -秋は即興の季節!-

 【Japanese follows English】日本語、英語両方でいきます!

Hi to all! This is Nisreen of Tokyo!

After the performance at a nursing home, we've been working on improvisation at my class.

Choreography and improvisation- I think both of them are important.

Photographed by 浮花

It's tricky to train improvisation skill, though- because it's ART( choreography is art, too, of course)! The answer is not only one.
I have given up once as a real beginner to dance spontaneously AND look good!!


Based on my own experience and my teachers' method, I created my teaching style that makes my students enjoy most, and make them really feel their own progress on improvisation. I'm so happy to see my students free themselves and motivated to improve more! (This is why I love small classes. It's much easier to teach them individually in the semi-private setting.)


We'll enjoy more dancing spontaneously in this autumn! Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in the lesson:)

レッスン詳細Lesson information

☆ニスリーン イベント情報 
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●2019/12/21(土) シルクロード@錦糸町にてショー
Details coming soon

または●Tel: 03-3223-3277

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