Saturday, August 10, 2019

[Bilingual post]【ショー後記】【Show report】【Performance at a nursing home】August , 10th, 2019

 【Japanese follows English】日本語、英語両方でいきます!

Hi to all! This is Nisreen of Tokyo!

Photographed by Fuka. Nisreen

On August 10th, I had a chance to perform in a nursing home in Kounosu shi, Saitama prefecture thanks to a wonderful dancer, Nena.


This was my very first time to perform in a nursing home, but their hospitality really touched my heart! We were welcomed warmly-extremely warmly.


My students, Tsugumi and Kana also performed. 
This was their first performance outside of the dance community.

I found out that they had been arranging their own "extra" rehearsals several times (which means they rented a dance studio) even though I didn't tell them anything!! 
There is nothing fulfilling like seeing my students get passionate about dance.<3 SInce I can't control their minds, their motivations have to come from inside of them.

私から特に自主練については何も言っていないのに、お二人でダンススタジオを借り、何度も練習されていた、と知って感動。( ;∀;)


 Loved how the audience clapped, smiled and nodded at us during the show.
One lady had been waiting for the show to start sitting at the best seat for more than 30 minutes! That was heartwarming and gave me more reason to show my best on stage.
 After the show, a couple of them told us that the show was fantastic!


I feel really fortunate to have worked there- and Nena is a huge part of that! She is a natural leader!<3<3

It was fun to share a stage and a dressing room with  Nena, my friend Farhana, and my students.


☆ニスリーン イベント情報 
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●2019/12/21(土) シルクロード@錦糸町にてショー
Details coming soon

または●Tel: 03-3223-3277

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