Hi to all! This is Nisreen of Tokyo!
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Photographed by Fuka. Nisreen
On July 9th, I had a blast at the popular event "the SILK ROAD" 100th anniversary!
先日(7/9)は錦糸町の大人気ライブハウス兼バー兼カフェ兼レストラン(?)、シルクロードカフェにて、The SILK ROAD記念すべき100回目に出演をさせていただきました。
It was really fun to share the dressing room with other performers who are radiant and beautiful..inside and out.
Since I had joined a couple of KUNI san's workshops before, I had to try hard to stop myself from "fangirling" when she recognized me. XD I really enjoy meeting and making friends like this in this event.
This is my second time to perform there, but their atmosphere is really cozy and relaxing.
The staff is always kind and supportive!
私はSILK ROADへの出演は2回目でしたが、オーナーのUskiさんはじめスタッフのみなさんの心遣いが行き届いた、本当に温かいお店です。
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The Darbouka player, Mr. Abdallah is such an entertainer.
And it was refreshing to hear the classic Egyptian piece, Enta Omri played by Mr. Dai Yamamoto with his ShamiSen ( *an instrument that looks like a Japanese version of Oud!) even from the dressing room.
有名なダラブッカプレーヤーのAbdallahさんや三味線プレーヤの方々ともご一緒できて、本当に幸運な経験となりました。楽屋で、山本大さんが三味線で演奏されるEnta Omriを聴くことが出来ましたが、これまた素晴らしかった~。Abdallahさんはさすが、ダンサーが登場する前から客席をどんどこ湧かせていました!!
In the first half, I performed a veil piece that's based on the choreography taught by the master teacher, Artemis Mourat. It's been almost 7 years since I first learned it.
The song is an old Turkish song "Bir Demet Yasmeen" played by Fred Elias Ensemble. I added some improvisation. Also, I danced to my original drum solo after that.
もう7年程前にArtemis Mourat大先生からワークショップで教えていただいた振り付けをベースに、自身の創作や即興を交え、Bir Demet Yasmeenというトルコの古い歌(演奏はFred Elias Ensemble)で、ヴェールで踊りました。(その後は自作のドラムソロ)
This song is about separation. It's a sad song. I have always loved this music (especially this version), but it took me 7years to figure out how to put my emotions on stage!
Bir Demet Yasmenは、ジャスミンの花々だけが愛の思い出・・という、別れの痛みを歌っています。私はずっとこの音楽が好きでしたが、どういうふうにパフォーマンスとしたらいいのか、自分の中で消化するのに7年もかかってしまいました。(笑
One day, as I was dancing to this song, I noticed the bittersweet feeling coming up.
Separation can hurt. Separation can kill. I felt the pain as I was dancing.
Also, I felt the joy behind it. I felt how precious it is to love someone, miss someone, live one's life so intensely. It just made sense to me suddenly.
Photographed by Fuka. Nisreen
In Japanese, there is an idiom for being convinced like that. "Hara ni ochiru" . The direct translation would be " ( the sense is ) falling into the stomach".
I find this idiom interesting as a Belly Dancer.XD
It was great to have a chance to dance my heart ( and my stomach!) on the stage.
I really hope I could transmit the special feelings in this piece to the audience.
Please click the link below to check the video<3
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