Monday, May 27, 2019

[Bilingual post]【ショー後記】【Show report】【Performance at "Blooming" party】May 25th, 2019

Hi to all! This is Nisreen of Tokyo.
On May 25th, there was a fun party organized by my friend, Farhana.
It was a wonderful experience to join it with my students.
One student had her very first Belly Dance performance, and another student had her first solo performance.
I performed both solo and trio.



Photographed by Mr. Takenori Goto 

Photographed by Mr. KEN

My biggest challenge at this time was performing a Turkish Roma solo piece for the first time.
I had taken workshops etc but had never learned it constinuously until a half year ago when I started taking amazing Ozma's private lessons.
(She was my dance class mate around 10years ago and I have always looked up to her since then.)
I'm excited for having made my debut performance. Looking foward to learning more about this dance form in the future!



Photographed by Mr. Takenori Goto 


Also, It was a pure joy to perform a Shaabi song with my dear dance sisters, Amber and Farhana.
I'm really fortunate to have such a long term (and fruitful) friendship with them.
They are beautiful, inside and out.

Photographed by Mr. Takenori Goto


I can go on and on how emotional I was by watching my students do their best, and put their heart into their performance...
I'd like to write more about it later! (I wanted to share their photos too  but was not sure if they are cool with it so will ask them about it)
Anyways, it was a lovely party.
Big thanks to the organizer Farhana, and our wonderful audience!!

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