Saturday, December 28, 2019

[Bilingual post]【日記】Farewell, 2019! -2019を振り返り-

It's been 4years since I had my debut party as a dancer..  

 To me it's symbolic that I finally ordered my business cards in the beginning of this year 2019, because business cards help you to transmit who you are to people (especially if you're in Japan!).

I gradually started to feel more comfortable with who I am and maybe became a little more chilled- not only while performing, but in my life in general in this year.

Photographed and designed by Fuka



 As a teacher, I've been really content to see the students get passionate on dancing, and work together as dance mates.

 As a dancer, I've been keen on learning Turkish Roma's dance with Ozma and can't wait to explore more in the future! 

I also had a precious opportunity to perform  Khaleegy with my fellow dancers at lovely Silkroad Cafe on December 21st.




 I can't say "thank you" enough to the people who have trusted me. You make me live and I hope I can do the same to you!


 I wish you happy holidays and a glittery year ahead!  


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