Saturday, September 22, 2018

Right after Cairo Nights Japan Competition..カイロナイツコンペティション後記※JPEN

【日本語この下】The  biggest day I've  ever  had is ended. It was an adventure, indeed. I did  my best and I danced from my heart. 

To be honest I'm still in the process of recovery since for these several months I was all about Cairo Nights Japan competition ..I've felt an  amazing amount of love and support from my family, my friends,  my dance mates, and my dance mentor. This really touched my heart and made me want to win a  trophy even more. I wanted  to show them my gratitude.I wanted to make them feel  proud.

I'm sorry it  ended like like this but at the same time, I feel more urge to keep working hard and getting better.

Anyways, Thank you to everyone who was part of this great competition- and congratulations to the winners, and Dr. Samy Farag !







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