Tuesday, February 11, 2020

[Bilingual post]【ショー後記】【Show report】【Performance at Asian Marche】Feb 2nd,2020

【Japanese follows English】日本語、英語両方でいきます!

Hi to all! This is Nisreen of Tokyo!

On Feb 2nd,  I had an opportunity to perform at Asian Marche in Yokohama, Zou no Hana Terrace.Thank you everyone for coming out to our show!



It was such a pleasure to perform Khaleeji (a traditional dance based in golf regions) with the former members of SILKROAD! They are my favorite people<3

Also, danced to this fabulous choreography created by Serkan Tutar with my dear friend, Farhana.
友であるFarhanaさんと、素晴らしいSerkan Tutar振り付けのオリエンタルダンスを踊るのも素敵でした。

All these photos were taken by a Saz musician, Kiyoshi Ohira. He's not only a good musician, but also phtotograper, obviously!

Asian Marche was a lovely event and their hospitality was amazing!


 I forgot my earrings in the dressing room and they sent me it immediately after I told them about it.. so sweet! I really appreciated their quick reaction since the earrings are precious gifts from a friend of mine, 

Finally, thank you my dear friend Amber for arranging this opportunity!最後にAmberさん、この機会をアレンジしてくれてありがとう💛

☆ニスリーン イベント情報 


詳細Coming Soon

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