Sunday, December 20, 2020

[Bilingual post] [Review] 【レビュー】Amaya Presents American Belly Dance Icons

 Amaya Presents American Belly Dance Icons

Reviewed by Nisreen



Is American Belly Dance authentic?

This is a frequently asked question.

If you have ever wondered about this, I’d recommend this documentary.






The documentary features 12 iconic American dancers who have cultivated Belly Dance (Oriental Dance) in the US, mainly from the 1960s to the 1980s. The video consists of each dancer’s biography, performance videos, and interviews.


Since I, as a dancer, have mainly been focused on the Classic American Cabaret style from this era, the documentary was really fascinating in that it drills down to the roots of what I have been learning.



ここ数十年はアメリカ合衆国での習い事として一般的になった「ベリーダンス」ですが、同時に偏見- MENAHT(中東、北アフリカ、ギリシャ、トルコ)そして女性の性への根深い蔑視が背景にありました-にもさらされてきました。

たとえば、Karen Barbeeはダンスキャリアの中で最大の試練は「ダンサーでありながら選挙公務員の妻であること」(評判との兼ね合い)だったと言います。また、Mashuqa Mira Murjanは学者でもありましたが、学会ではダンサーであることは秘密にしていなければいけませんでした。


First of all, the biography part tells us eloquently how rocky the road was for many belly dancers; although Belly Dance has become a popular hobby decades ago in the US, it has also been subjected to prejudice from a condescending view embedded in the society towards MENAHT (Middle Eastern, North African, Hellenic /Greek and Turkish) and the sexuality of women in general.


For example, Karen Barbee described her biggest challenge as a dancer as “navigating waters being married to an electoral official”. Also, MaShuqa Mira Murjan had to keep her dance career secret from her academic colleagues.





In spite of those conflicts, we could also tell that the US was one of the pioneering nations in online / video lessons and structured education in the Belly Dance industry.

In other words, this is a record of history that focuses on the period of transition in which Belly Dance shifted to being more mainstream in American society through the spread of Belly Dance schools and videos.


また、アメリカ生まれのペルシャ系アメリカ人1世であったSuhaila Salimpourを筆頭として、MENAHTの国々からの移住者コミュニティとその音楽はいつも彼らの時代のベリーダンスと密接に関係していた、という側面も見逃せませんでした。



Also, we could not miss the fact that American Cabaret Belly Dance has always deeply connected to the MENAHT immigrant communities, and their music   as we can see clearly by watching the story of Suhaila Salimpour, who is a first-generation Persian-American.


Although the dance styles of 12 dancers are truly diverse, the common essence is obvious: that their performance is basically improvisation to the live music. and that they value creativity.







The US is such a huge country, so it is hard to generalize about it.

Whenever I watch performances of US-based dancers, though, I see the tendency that they are generally less influenced by the recent trends, which seem to be from Eastern Europe – in contrast to East Asia or Europe. I came to the realization that the history of American Cabaret Belly Dance is the root of this unique quality of American Belly Dance scene.

 (Although general styling of American Belly Dance turned into more Egypt-oriented around 1990s, I still can see the connection to the roots of American Cabaret).













Is American Belly Dance authentic?

I do not have an answer for this question.


What I can say for sure by watching this documentary is that the US has a relatively long history of Belly Dance with diverse dancers.

A history with lot of dancers of MENAHT origins, or dancers who have constantly worked on cultural exchange with MENAHT people and music, even though Orientalism has also been an undeniable element of the scene.

I want you to watch the documentary and look for your own answer.


最後に、このヴィデオを寛大にも贈ってくださったLos Gatosカリフォルニアのダンスマザー、ダンスアイコンの一人、MaShuqaに心から感謝を示したいと思います。


I’d love to conclude this review by showing the most heartfelt appreciation to my dance mother in Los Gatos, California- one of the Belly Dance icons, MaShuqa Mira Murjan for being generous enough to send me such a lovely video.

20 Dec 2020

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