Friday, March 4, 2022

Seven Strategies for Coping During the Pandemic

Hi all!  This is Nisreen from Tokyo.

How are you? Me, I'm the same old same old -- surviving!

Let me share my seven strategies for coping during the pandemic. These make my life a little lighter, and a little brighter.


1. Light a candle.

In the evening, take some time to turn off the bright room lights, the phone, and the computer.

Light a candle with a nice scent instead! Breathe and relax. Be careful don't knock it over -- especially in those wooden Tokyo flats!


2. Yoga routines are life savers.

I can't brag too much, since I'm just a baby-level self-taught yoga practitioner. An app called Headspace has given me chances to watch yoga routine videos and meditation guidance. Since I started doing yoga on lunch breaks and in the evening, I've become less stressed, and feel more fulfilled. It certainly feels like  "mindfulness", a term that's used a lot in yoga. The routines also have tremendous workout benefits, such as enhancement of core strength and flexibility. 


3.Go to bed before 11:30 P.M.

This is easy to say, hard to do.. I just have to admit that my skin is much clearer on days following a good night’s sleep than otherwise. I do though sometimes allow myself to stay up late and do random things like reading comics or indulging in YouTube Michael Jackson video marathons.


4. Use fancy body scrubs and lotions.

The body scrub from Sabon makes you feel like a queen...I know it's not cheap, but you deserve it!


5. Wear lovely coloured leggings and funky socks

Staying home and not having to dress up doesn't necessarily mean that you don't enjoy fashion. Dress up and be cute just for yourself. Summon your inner Fab 5!

6. Use colourful paints.

Painting, especially abstract painting with bright colours, can be a liberating experience. It unleashes your passion and creativity. It helps you to be more in the moment. Materials can be crayons, pastels, oil paintings, or acrylic paintings. Get your hands dirty!


7. Dance.

Of course -- dance! HipHop, Ballet, Flamenco, Samba, Bollywood -- any dance form is good, as long as you enjoy it and feel like yourself.

I, of course, enjoy Oriental dance (belly dance) more than any other dance forms. I can really feel and express a deep feeling of joy when dancing to Middle Eastern or Turkish music. It is such an energising experience that never fails in reminding me of my biggest fortune -- being alive!



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