Wednesday, November 1, 2023

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 9 -My Paintings Became Part of the University Lecture. -/ アメリカ絵日記9 私の絵が大学の講義の資料に登場

 Hi to all, this is Nisreen. Are you enjoying the changing autumn leaves?


The other day, I was delighted to see that my visual art became part of a history professor (my husband)'s lectures materials at a conference.


 It was a series of illustrations describing the secret friendship between the Japanese and Chinese space programmes in the 1970s and the 1990s. In order to take the edge off a fairly sensitive subject, he asked me to draw the illustrations in the cute and light-hearted style.
I was happy and relieved to hear the positive feedback about them from the audience.


Besides this, I also had a chance to take part in his university class about visual analysis.
The students got to analyse art pieces by me and other artists according to the contents of a lecture, and I answered their questions. It was truly a refreshing and fulfilling experience to see the students discussing the messages in art. It was also impressive that their analyses were very accurate!



The piece below is one of those used at the class.

I did the image below in my diary, thinking about the joy these experiences brought to me. 
See you soon!


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