Sunday, October 15, 2023

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 8 -I went to The Darkness concert. -/ アメリカ絵日記8 The Darknessのコンサートに行ってきました!

 Hi to all, this is Nisreen.


The other day, we went to the concert of our favourite British rock band called ”The Darkness.”

They first broke through in the early 2000s, with songs such as "I Believe in a Thing Called Love", "Growing on Me", "Get Your Hands off My Woman" and "Love Is Only a Feeling" being particularly famous.
彼らが最初にブレイクしたのは2000年代前半。I Believe in a Thing Called Love", "Growing on Me", "Get Your Hands off My Woman", そして "Love Is Only a Feeling"などの曲が特に有名です。
My favourite is "Love Is Only a Feeling"

Tickets were sold out and the venue was full.
The audience was of various ages, but I got the impression that it was heavily skewed towards people in their 30s and 40s. The percentage of couples also appeared to be high. (We were the typical target audience in that sense. )

Their performance was fantastic! The balance of old and new songs was on point, and their showmanship shone until the very last minute.  Since I'm also a Queen fan, their performance style heavily influenced by rock music from the 1970s and the 1980s was straight to my heart.


The sketch below is my attempt to capture Justin Hawkins' authenticity as a rock musician.
下のスケッチは、Justin Hawkinsの純なロッカー魂に感動した気持ちを描き止めようとしたものです。

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