A Belly Dancing Visual Artist, Nisreen's Bilingual Diary ; I started my own podcast /踊ったり絵を描いたりする人の日英書庫・Podcast運営中
Monday, March 25, 2024
[Bilingual post] I Participated In a YouTube Talk Session about the Film ’RRR’! /映画’RRR’についてのYouTube動画に参加しました!
Sunday, March 17, 2024
[Bilingual post] I did Artwork for Annual NGO CSW Forum /NGO CSW Forumのためのアートを担当しました。
Japanese follows English 日本語この下
Hi all! This is Nisreen!
I had the opportunity to volunteer as an artist for the online annual forum of The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) this year. CSW is an official commission of the United Nations that focuses on the rights and empowerment of women, and global gender equality.
Upon a long-time friend, Yuzuki's,
request, I provided illustrations depicting the challenges Japanese-national
women face due to the legal requirement to share a surname (which usually ends
up being their husband’s name) after marriage. The presentation was carried out
by Asuniwa, the association advocating for the improvement of women's
rights primarily in Japan.
It was an honour to see my artwork included in the
important presentations.
Unfortunately, during this online forum, we had to
witness harassment against another presenter. Some pathetic harassers heckled
her while she was presenting about feminised poverty, until they got kicked
To say the least, this incident made me furious.
I have some good news here too though--: a) the young
presenter just kept going and completed out a brilliant presentation;
b) other presenters and participants showed warm
support to her,; c) t hose hecklers humiliated no one but themselves; and d) those
'anti-feminists' went out of their way to showcase how bad misogyny (especially
against younger feminists) could be in Japan, which ended up just proving presenters'
point. How lovely!
My hats off to the wonderful presenters at the event.
To learn further about the Japanese legal system for
surnames, please look up the articles below.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 12 -My Second Participation in INBC Annual Bazaar -/ アメリカ絵日記12 2回目のINBC 年に1度のバザール参加
Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載
Hi all! This is Nisreen.
On March 2nd 2024, I participated in the annual event of Indiana Belly Dance Collective /INBC for the second time.
It really was fulfilling to spend all day learning
with skillful teachers like Athena Howe, and to perform at night. I especially
enjoyed Athena’s workshop about different dance legends and their styles. It
reminded me of how unique each of them was, especially those from the golden era.
This year’s Annual Bazaar was even more impactful than the last time for me, because a) I stepped in to run a last-minute workshop and b) I had the honour of performing to live music by the Indianapolis-based band, Indy Raqs!
The song I performed with
Indy Raqs was 'Tuta" by Farid Al-Atrash. It felt like I was gently wrapped
not only with the veil, but also by delicate layers of the beautiful sound. It
was an exciting, but also strangely calming, experience, to dance to those
ethereal harmonies!
And I of course had a great time performing "Gawaher" with my troupe mates! They are such lovely ladies.(I will upload the picture once we have the official picture!)
Lastly, I'm truly grateful for all the volunteer staff and officers of INBC for making this event come true! I felt their unconditional love for the Belly dance community.
My performance video is available here.
2024年3月2日、Indiana Belly Dance Collective /INBCの年次イベントに2回目の参加をしました。
一日中、Athena Howeのような優れた先生たちと一緒に学び、夜にはパフォーマンスをすることができて、本当に充実した経験でした。特に楽しかったのは、さまざまな伝説のダンスとそのスタイルについてのAthena先生のワークショップです。特に黄金時代の伝説と呼ばれるダンサーたちは、それぞれがいかに個性的であったか、考えさせられました。
というのも、以下のドキドキする経験をしたからです。(1)緊急で、とある先生のワークショップを代講することになった (2)インディアナポリスを拠点に活動するバンド、インディ・ラクスの生演奏でパフォーマンスすることができた
代講レッスン中は、参加者の皆様の温かく協力的な態度に心から感謝しました。 使用した曲は、私の大好きなSet El Hosenでした。この曲に合った技術やステップの選択肢、パフォーマンスのコツをお伝えしました。ダンサーの皆さんがこの豊かで変化に富んだ曲を楽しんでいるのを見るのは、とても素敵なことでした。
そしてもちろん、Troupe Oasisの仲間と一緒に「Gawaher」をパフォーマンスすることができて、とても楽しかった!彼女たちは本当に優しくて思いやりがあります。
Friday, March 1, 2024
[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 11 -My First Hair Salon Experience in the US. -/ アメリカ絵日記11 米国にて初めての美容院体験
Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載
Hi all! This is Nisreen.
Have you ever heard of this phrase: “Only Japanese know how to treat Japanese hair.” When I Googled “海外 美容室 /overseas hair salon” or “アメリカ 美容院/ US beauty salon” in Japanese, that was the message I got.
I found overwhelming number of blogs and articles by Japanese who’ve been abroad, praising “impeccable Japanese service in the Japanese hair salon” they’d found, in comparison with the “clumsy and rough” American or 海外/foreign hair stylists. According to them, non-Japanese hair stylists are not only ignorant about the Japanese aesthetics, but don’t have the proper techniques to manage “the character of Japanese hair”. They were enthusiastically recommending finding a Japanese hair stylist even abroad; failing that, at least an Asian one.
My reaction was Huh? Really? Because
of the nature of my current location, I booked my very first hair salon
appointment in town with a place that happens to have only White/White-passing
stylists. For peace of mind, I had checked Google reviews beforehand. The hair
salon I selected had outstanding reviews compared to other local salons.
Long story short, it was a great experience.
The salon was bright and spacious, and I enjoyed the “feeling pretty” vibes
during my time there. Most importantly, the young lady who took care of me did
a great job. Sure, she may not have taken off my coat, or bowed 90 degrees when
I left the salon (yes, many hair salons in Japan do that), simply because it’s
not a part of their culture. It doesn’t mean that she was disrespectful or
lacked in work ethic. On the contrary, I could clearly see that she loved what
she was doing. She communicated with my needs with care and attention: “Where
do you want your part? How long are you okay to cut? Do you want layers? Any
hair dyes?” And she set my hair exactly the way I imagined. In addition to
that, she offered to use the hot curler so “I could look even prettier.” I went
home very content.
The moral of the story is this: we don’t
have to limit our world to the only “our community”, or “our people.” Also, we
can of course benefit from information on the internet or word of mouth in real
life, but we can find our own truth by exploring the world ourselves. In other
words, when it comes to hair, the proof is in the pudding—not online!
日本語で「海外 美容室」「アメリカ 美容院」「海外 美容室」などとググると、出てくるメッセージである。
この経験で、私が学んだこと。それは、自分の行動範囲を 「自分のコミュニティ 」や 「自分たちと同じような人達 」だけに限定する必要はないということである。
英語のことわざに”The proof is in the pudding.”(論より証拠/やってみなければわからない)というものがあるが、今回は自分でプディングの中を探って正解だったなと思う。
[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」
Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello Nisreen, how are you? It looks like spring is finally around the corner! On Saturday March ...

こんにちは!オリエンタルを日々是研究★ベリーダンサー、ニスリーンです。 以前、「男性のベリーダンサーも存在する」と記事にしました。( こちら ) このトピックについて、意外に良くベリーダンサー以外の方から頂く質問が 「男性のベリーダンスは女性のベリーダンスとは違うの...
こんにちは!オリエンタルを日々是研究、ベリーダンサー、Nisreen(ニスリーン)です。 今回のよく訊かれることシリーズは 「ベリーダンスってハーレムで王様を誘惑するために踊られていた踊りなんでしょ?」 です。 こんなイメージでしょうか?ヨーロッパの東洋趣味(オリエンタリ...
...と澄んだ目でお訊きになられた方が、今までに何名かいらっしゃいました。 一応ご説明すると、ベリーダンスの衣装も様々で、もっと身体が隠れるタイプの物もあります。ですがこのご質問は、大抵この写真のような、キラキラしたベドラー(ブラとベルト)に対して向けられてい...