Sunday, March 17, 2024

[Bilingual post] I did Artwork for Annual NGO CSW Forum /NGO CSW Forumのためのアートを担当しました。

 Japanese follows English 日本語この下

Hi all! This is Nisreen!


I had the opportunity to volunteer as an artist for the online annual forum of  The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) this year. CSW is an official commission of the United Nations that focuses on the rights and empowerment of women, and global gender equality. 

Upon a long-time friend, Yuzuki's, request, I provided illustrations depicting the challenges Japanese-national women face due to the legal requirement to share a surname (which usually ends up being their husband’s name) after marriage. The presentation was carried out by Asuniwa, the association advocating for the improvement of women's rights primarily in Japan.

It was an honour to see my artwork included in the important presentations.


Unfortunately, during this online forum, we had to witness harassment against another presenter. Some pathetic harassers heckled her while she was presenting about feminised poverty, until they got kicked out.


To say the least, this incident made me furious.


I have some good news here too though--: a) the young presenter just kept going and completed out a brilliant presentation;

b) other presenters and participants showed warm support to her,; c) t hose hecklers humiliated no one but themselves; and d) those 'anti-feminists' went out of their way to showcase how bad misogyny (especially against younger feminists) could be in Japan, which ended up just proving presenters' point. How lovely!


My hats off to the wonderful presenters at the event.


To learn further about the Japanese legal system for surnames, please look up the articles below.

















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