Saturday, March 8, 2025

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello Nisreen, how are you? It looks like spring is finally around the corner!

On Saturday March 1st, 2025, we held the INBC Annual Bazaar in Indianapolis. This was the first bazaar since I became the PR officer last October.



At first, I was a little nervous about the lower engagement and bookings in the event ads, to be honest. However, in the end, the event turned out to be a great success, with many participants and a fantastic audience for the gala show.

More than anything, it was incredibly rewarding to see people connect and support each other through their love for this beautiful and diverse dance form! All the board members, including our president April, have been nothing but excellent and hardworking.



This year’s workshop lineup was particularly unique, featuring multiple sessions by musicians. Our headliner, Istra, brought her strong theatre background into her teaching, providing warm and insightful guidance to her students. It was wonderful to witness their creativity flourish.

As for me, I ended up stepping in at the last minute to assist a musicality workshop run by musician Andy from a dancer's perspective and also performed a completely improvised piece to his original song, Khamsa, filling a last-minute spot in the gala show.



The video below is my performance to Azisa:


It was definitely a challenge but such a fun experience! Andy’s workshop was incredibly well-prepared and packed with information—I can't even imagine how he managed to do that alongside all the work he put in as an event coordinator!


It was also so lovely to perform a group choreography, Eh Ya Weleda (choreographed by Kat Lebo) as a part of Troupe Oasis.

また、Troupe Oasisのメンバーとしてグループ振り付けEh Ya Weleda (振り付けKat Lebo) をパフォーマンスするのもとても楽しかったです。

I’d like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to this event and for allowing me to be a part of it!


X ソーシャルメディア

My Dance Videos 2023-

 Nisreen's performance videos


Music: Khamsa performed by Indy Raqs  composed by Andy Smith
Dance performance: Nisreen
Event: INBC Annual Bazaar (March 1st, 2025) 

At the INBC Annual Bazaar on March 1st, I stepped in at the last minute to cover a spot and perform to an Andy Smith original, Khamsa! It was definitely a challenge to dance to a song I heard for the first time that day, but it was so much fun!

Videography: Playground Productions 
Choreography (Partly Improvised): Nisreen
Music: Khatwet Samar by Ziad Rahbani
Dance performance: Nisreen
Event: Raqs Party (Sept 21st, 2024) hosted by Troupe Oasis and INBC

Videography: SJ Images
Choreography (Partly Improvised): Nisreen
Music: Laylat Hobb performed by Indy Raqs  
Dance performance: Nisreen
Event: Raqs Party (Dec 7th, 2024) hosted by Donna B Carlton

The first song/
Based on choreography by: Athena Najat
Music: Para Bizde by Rumeli Orhan Kemal
Performance: Nisreen

         The second song/          Choreography: Nisreen
Music: Shifting Sands by Nasir Eddin and The Pharaoahs
Performance: Nisreen
Music: 'Fire Dance, played by @indyraqs
Venue: Indiana, United States
Event: Mosey
Improv Performed by: Nisreen

Music: 'Aziza' by Mohammed Abdel Wahhab, played by @indyraqs
Venue: Indiana, United States
Event: Mosey
Improv Performed by: Nisreen

Music: 'Sendur'
Venue: Indiana, United States
Event: Mosey
Based on choreography by: Athena Najat 
Performed by: Nisreen

The first song/
Based on choreography by: Athena Najat 
Music: Para Bizde by Rumeli Orhan Kemal
Performance: Nisreen

The second song/
Choreography: Nisreen
Music:  Darbuka Solo Pt. 3 by Bünyamin Olguncan
Performance: Nisreen

Music: 'Tuta' by 'Farid al-Atrash', played by @indyraqs
Venue: Indiana, United States
Event: INBC Belly Dance Annual Bazaar
Performed by: Nisreen
Choreographed by: Nisreen (primarily improv)

Music: 'My Love' by 'Harem'
Venue:  'Venue 812' in Indiana, United States
Event: INBC Summer's End Belly Dance Fest
Performed by: Nisreen
Choreographed by: Nisreen (mostly improv)

Choreography: improv
Music: Mohamed Sultan, arranged by Samy Farag
Performer: Nisreen

Friday, March 7, 2025

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep18 – Three Pieces of Art to Explore During Women’s History Month /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep18 – 女性史月間によせて-女性アーティスト作品3作

 Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 18th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.

In the US, and many other countries, March is a time to celebrate women’s achievements. In today’s episode, I’d like to introduce three works of art by female creators that you can explore during Women’s History Month—two films, and one painting. I hope you enjoy it!

The thumbnail of this episode is my drawing of Shiori Itō in the film.

Please find the episode below.

This podcast is available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

Friday, February 28, 2025

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep17 – Why a Pug is My Muse /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep17 – 私のミューズはなぜパグなのか

       Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 17th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.

The other day, our pug boy, Nibbler, marked his 7th birthday! That got me reflecting on how much he has enriched not only my personal life, but also my artistic journey. Today, I’d love to talk about why he is my muse. I hope this resonates with you, especially if you love dogs, or any kind of animal!

The thumbnail is Nibbler's portrait I painted.  Please find the episode below.
This podcast is available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

Friday, February 21, 2025

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep16 – Why Paddington Bear is My Role Model /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep16 – パディントンベアのように生きたい理由

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 16th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.

The other day, I watched Paddington in Peru, the third film in the British family comedy series. Directed by Paul King, the series is based on Michael Bond’s beloved children’s books, first published in 1958. 

In this episode, I’d like to share three reasons why I see Paddington Brown as a role model. There will be spoilers, so if you haven’t watched the films and don’t want to ruin the fun, please come back later! I hope you enjoy it.

The thumbnail is my fanart of Paddington!
Please find the episode below, the podcast is available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

Monday, February 17, 2025

[Bilingual post] I Received a Merit Award from Upward Gallery!

 I am deeply honoured and grateful to receive a Merit Award from Upward Gallery! This piece aims to capture moments of connection across species, exploring the unspoken bonds that transcend barriers between humans and animals.

アップワードギャラリーから優秀賞を(Merit Award)いただき、とても光栄ですし、感謝しています!この作品は、生き物の種類を越えて通じ合う、人間と動物の間にある絆を探求することを目的としています。


Friday, February 14, 2025

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep15 – Three Classic Romcom Films for Valentine’s Day /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep15 – 愛の日に観たい!古典映画3つ

     Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 15th episode of Season Two of my podcast—Happy Valentine’s Day!

In this episode, I’m introducing three Golden Age films that are perfect for Valentine’s Day. 

The thumbnail is my drawing of Audrey Hepburn from "Love in the Afternoon."
Please find the episode below.
This podcast is available on 
Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

Friday, February 7, 2025

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep14 – What a “Toxic Mother” Looks Like in Fiction /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep14 – 物語に見る「毒母」像

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 14th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!

The other day, I came across a Psychology Today article titled "8 Things That Toxic Mothers Do” by Peg Streep. The word “toxic” feels worn out on social media nowadays, but what it really means is behaviour that threatens others' well-being in some way—emotionally, or psychologically. As I read the eight alarming signs listed in this article, I started thinking about incredibly accurate depictions of such mother-child relationships in stories.

In this episode, I am going to introduce two excellent films and two manga that capture the essence of toxic motherhood, and explore some potential ways of healing. I hope you enjoy it!

The thumbnail is my fanart of the film, Qala.

Please find the episode below.

The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21-Weight of Love / アメリカ絵日記21 「愛の重み」

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hi all, this is Nisreen!
How are you enjoying 2025? I can't believe it's already February!


It’s still quite chilly in my town, and our pug boy is getting lazier by the day.


The other day, when I was taking him and his sister out for a walk, he refused to budge from the door! I ended up carrying him downstairs—something he’d never dare to pull with his dad. What a cheeky boy!


Of course, the moment he got outside, he strutted around like a little prince, as usual.


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Friday, January 31, 2025

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep13 – How to Find the Best Belly Dance Costume /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep13 – 最高のベリーダンス衣装を見つける方法

   Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 13th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!

Today, I’d like to talk about one of my favourite topics: belly dance costuming!

Please find the episode below.
You can enjoy this podcast on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

 X Script

Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 13th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!

Today, I’d like to talk about one of my favourite topics: belly dance costuming! I’ve been performing and teaching belly dance for years now, and I can’t deny that the sparkling costumes are a big part of this dance form’s charm. However, finding the right costume can be quite tricky because there’s such a vast range of designs to choose from.

In today’s episode, I’m going to share five points I’ve learned to pay attention to when buying a costume, based on years of trial and error. I hope you can relate to them!

1. Price
Not to be crass, but price matters. If you’re looking for a brand-new, professionally made, complete Oriental costume, the minimum price in the US is typically around $250. Those traditional beaded costumes require intricate hand sewing, although modern costumes tend to be simpler. If you’re looking for just a set of beaded bras and a belt without a skirt, I’d say $100 is the lowest price point for something that will last more than a few years.

The good news is, high-quality costumes can often be found at more affordable prices if they’re second-hand! Platforms like eBay, Facebook groups for dancers, or even your dance school can connect you to great deals.

Of course, if you don’t plan to perform professionally, you don’t need to purchase those fully beaded costumes. Simpler and cheaper options, such as crop tops and skirts, are available online as well.

2. Colour
Colour matters, of course—especially with the parts of the costume that touch your skin, like the bra or belt. These should flatter your skin tone. However, for items further from your face, like skirts or trousers, you can be a bit freer with colour choices.

Skin tones are generally categorised as warm, cool, or neutral. One simple way to identify your tone is to check the veins on your wrist. Makeup artist Brielle Brenner suggests:

Check the veins in your wrist—if they appear blue or purple, you likely have a cool undertone. If they look green, you most likely have a warm undertone. If you notice a mixture of both, you probably have a neutral or olive undertone.

By using this method, I discovered my skin tone is rather cool, which means colours like crimson, pale blue, lemon yellow, turquoise, and fuchsia suit me better than warmer tones like brown, coppery gold, or chestnut. Generally, silver or rose gold accessories complement cool-toned skin better than yellow gold.

The texture of fabric can also influence how a colour appears. For instance, velvet exudes elegance and maturity, while sheer fabrics like organdie or chiffon create an ethereal effect. It’s worth considering which textures flatter your skin tone, and suit your overall vibe.

3. Style
Belly dance styles vary, and so do costume styles! Your costume should align with your style of dance. For example, FCBD (FatChanceBellyDance) costuming is characterised by coin bras layered with crop tops, large flowers in the hair, hip scarves, and circular cotton skirts. This is quite different from Oriental dance costuming, which typically features simpler hairstyles, shiny or sheer skirts, or trousers.

Even within Oriental dance, there’s huge variety. The standard costume might include a beaded bra and belt over a long skirt, but there are also one-piece costumes or skirts with attached decorations.

Additionally, trends evolve rapidly. In recent years, we’ve seen less orthodox costumes from Egypt, such as miniskirts, or sheer onesies. Choosing the right style is a personal process, but it’s also about “reading the room” as a performer. You’ll need to ask yourself questions like: Is this style appropriate for the venue, audience, music, and myself?

4. Practicality
Let’s be honest—belly dance costumes are rarely practical or comfortable! However, certain features are essential, depending on the occasion.

For instance, if you’re performing alone without assistance, avoid halter-neck or cross-back straps, as they can be difficult to manage when changing. You don’t want to get stuck in your costume!

The weight of the costume also matters. Modern costumes tend to be lighter, as contemporary styles often require more acrobatic movements. The same goes for head accessories—if you’re planning to do head rolls, it’s best to skip these, unless you can remove them before executing those movements.

Preventing costume mishaps is also crucial. If you’re performing on stage, it’s essential to wear dance shorts or tights underneath your skirt—even if the skirt is long—to avoid any upskirt flashing. My preference is layering harem pants under my skirt, as it gives me confidence when performing kicks or floorwork.

Costumes should fit perfectly. I didn’t include size in the title of this section, because I’ve never found a costume in a store that fits me perfectly! After purchasing a costume, I always have it altered by a professional seamstress to ensure it fits exactly. This way, I can fully focus on performing. I learned this lesson after some unfortunate mishaps, like a moving hip belt or, worse, snapping a bra hook during a performance!

Finally, safety comes first.  There’s nothing more dangerous than stepping on your skirt, especially if you’re wearing heels. Ensure your skirt is the right length, and that you’re fully comfortable before performing.

5. Brand
I don’t prioritise costume brands, but it’s true that some brands have excellent reputations, but higher prices. For Turkish costumes, brands like Bella, Dogan Gök, and Sim are highly respected for their quality and unique designs. For Egyptian costumes, brands like Eman Zaki, Pharaonics, and Hoyda are internationally recognised.

Recently, costume makers from European and South American countries have also gained popularity. When shopping online, checking the brand can be one way to assess reliability.

That said, a costume maker’s lack of fame doesn’t necessarily mean low quality. My very first belly dance costume, purchased 15 years ago from an unknown Vietnamese maker for about $100, is still going strong—and I still receive compliments on it!

Ultimately, the most important criterion when choosing a costume is whether it helps you fully express yourself and the music on stage. Your costume is part of your art!

How did you find today’s episode? I hope you enjoyed it!
I’d love to hear your thoughts—please consider leaving a review or comments.

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!

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1. 値段




2. 色使い





3. スタイル




4. 実用性








最後に、安全第一です。 特にヒールを履いている場合、スカートを踏んでしまうことほど危険なことはありません。スカートの丈がちょうどよいこと、事前に練習して問題ないかをよく確認することが大切です。

5. ブランド
私にとって、ブランドはそこまで重要な点ではありませんが、ブランドによって評判も値段も大きく変わってくることは確かです。トルコの衣装では、BellaDogan GökSimといったブランドが、その品質と個性的なデザインで高く評価されています。エジプトの衣装では、Eman ZakiPharaonicsHoydaといったブランドは国際的人気を誇っています。









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[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello Nisreen, how are you? It looks like spring is finally around the corner! On Saturday March ...