Friday, December 9, 2016

American Cabaret 「アメリカンキャバレースタイル」日本語訳⑴

***こちらの記事は、アメリカ在住のライターLaurenさんが書かれたAmerican Cabaretのベリーダンスについての記事の、私Nisreenによる、和訳です。

American Cabaret

What is American Cabaret belly dance? Is it authentic? How is it different from other belly dance styles?  Who are the main influencers in this style? Let’s explore the topic in depth.


Karma Karmalita, a rising star in the genre, perfectly embodies the power and fierceness of this style. Karma offers American Cabaret bellydance among her online classes on Powhow! photo by Antero Fine Art Photography.

Karma Karmalitaはこのジャンルの新生スターであり、完璧にアメリカンキャバレースタイルの毅然とした力強さを体現しています。 オンラインクラスも提供中です。 

American Cabaret style belly dance is sometimes called AmCab for short. It’s also sometimes called Vintage Oriental or American Nightclub style. Usually when we talk about American Cabaret, we’re talking about the period from the 1960s until the 1980s, and the phrase defines the era as much as the style.

Current American dance that isn’t Egyptian or Tribal in nature is sometimes called “modern American Cabaret” but is less well-defined.


Can you see the roots of all American belly dance styles in this performance, from Aziza to Rachel Brice?

こちらのパフォーマンスに、AzizaからRachel Briceなど(今日の、幅広い)アメリカのベリーダンススタイルのルーツが覗いているのをご覧になれますか?


The classic American Cabaret performance is characterized by:

Wrapped Entrance: Dancer enters wrapped in a veil (sometimes multiple veils or a cape, but the fabric draping and hiding part of the costume is important) and performs a fast, lively dance with finger cymbals. 
Veilwork: After the first number, she removes  the veil and dances with it. Traditionally, a chiffon veil  framed movements, accented spins, or  partially covered the face or body. Modern dancers use silk veils to create shapes and movement in the air around them. 
Finger cymbals: Zills are considered essential, often played with a high level of musicality, and might be worn for the entire show even when they’re not being played.
Floorwork performed to slow music (often chiftitelli rhythm) is characteristic. Might be done kneeling, side-lying, reclining on the elbows or fully reclining. Can include various figure 8s, undulations, armwork, shimmies, and belly rolls.
Dramatic moves in this style include fast spins, belly rolls and flutters, Turkish drops, skirt kicks, and a cappella zilling.
Props (in addition to the  zills and veil) might include cape, sword, candles, candle tray or cane Music could be from anywhere: Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian, Arab-American, Turkish, even Greek.
Exoticism and Orientalism were common in America until the 1990s, and this was true among most dancers as well. The Orientalist idea of the day was that women of the East are passionate, primitive and wild beneath their demure veils and the dance often incorporated these concepts. It was common to put a “sultan’s turban” on a male audience member, for instance, and then dance for him. It was also common for the dancer to use her veil to mimic hijab while dancing.
Overall: Dancers strived for fluidity and control while going for a look that seemed wild, free and unrestrained.






2. フィンガーシンバル















Floorwork is viewed as sexual by some audience members, but the dancers perceive their floorwork as spiritual, graceful and a showcase for their strength, flexibility, and emotional range. The legendary Delilah epitomized the art of floorwork in American belly dance:




  • Many, if not most, dancers in the US made their own costumes until the 1990s
  • Multilayered looks that conjured images of ‘The Mysterious East’ were popular
  • It was the fashion to wear circular skirts that were split all the way to the hip in front, showing the full leg (some dancers wore harem pants underneath for modesty)
  • Fringe and/or coins were important costume elements
  • Veils were transparent chiffon or lamé and were often trimmed in sequins or beads. They could be much heavier than today’s silk veils because they were used much differently.
  • The circle skirt was ubiquitous, usually cut in panels, with a narrow panel in front, a wide panel in back, and slits all the way up to the waist. Less common skirt styles included tulip, mermaid, and straight skirts. Skirts were always long.
  • Belts were often narrow and worn very low on the hip. Bra bands were frequently sewn in narrow pieces with the sides left open. Sequins, coins, beads, pearls, and jewels were used extensively, with rhinestones less common than they are today.
Here’s the magnificent Elena Lentini showcasing the elements of American Cabaret-style belly dance and costuming:









アメリカンキャバレーの衣装、ダンスの素晴らしい例として、Elena Lentiniのビデオをご覧下さい。


Imagine you are an American who is now living in Hong Kong. You spend your days eating unfamiliar foods, trying to communicate in a foreign language, and living in a culture not your own. Now imagine there’s a restaurant (let’s call it Rick’s Place) where other English speakers gather to eat hamburgers, fried chicken and mashed potatoes and listen to rock and roll music. Those people might be Australian, British, Scottish or Canadian, but wouldn’t you be drawn together by familiar food, music, and language? 



This is what happens in Middle Eastern and Arab communities in US cities. Perhaps the closest thing to home is a Greek restaurant, or a Lebanese nightclub, or an Egyptian hookah bar. But people from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt might gather together to eat, play music, talk, and dance in ways that feel comfortingly familiar. It was in these melting pots of culture that American Cabaret-style belly dance was born in the mid-20th century.


Here’s an amazing glimpse into that time —
A mini-documentary about Serena, an early pioneer in American belly dance, narrated by her son.

In its heyday, American Cabaret was simply called Bellydance. It had not yet separated into a variety of styles that needed more specific names. The dancers learned from native dancers and musicians, and a variety of Arab and Turkish styles came together; authentic, but mingled.  If you look at Turkish Oriental from the same era, though, the two styles are often indistinguishable.

全盛期においては、アメリカンキャバレーは単純に「ベリーダンス」と呼ばれていました。当時はまだ、より厳密な,詳細なスタイルの区別がされていませんでした。(アメリカの)ダンサー達が様々なアラブの国や、トルコなど、本場のダンサーやミュージシャンから(ダンスや音楽を)受け継 いだアメリカンキャバレーのダンスは本物であり、かつ複数のスタイルが融合したものでした。同時代のトルコのオリエンタルダンスを見てみると、アメリカンキャバレーと、とても似通っていることがわかります。


During the sexual and feminist revolutions, belly dance was perceived as an exotic, sensual activity that was perfect for the newly free-to-be-sexy American woman. Although dancing to ‘make your husband a sultan’ may seem anti-feminist now, it was a massive step forward for women to be able to openly admit to wanting and enjoying their husbands’ physical attention!

6070年代 あなたのスルタンを誘惑して


The women who participated in this movement were  brave pioneers. Classes sprung up at YMCAs and community colleges across the country. By the 1970s, influential teachers were arising. Morocco (Aunt Rocky) became a major player in New York and the East Coast. Ibrahim “Bobby” Farrah taught workshops and brought Nadia Gamal from Lebanon to teach (his followers call themselves Bobby Dolls and continue to influence the dance in North America). Jamila Salimpour  (and later her daughter Suhaila) became very influential in California. Here’s some wonderful footage from Jamila Salimpour’s classes. Note: Jamila’s beliefs about the ritualistic history of the dance were widely held at the time but are no longer accepted as factual by the larger dance community. Jamila’s classes definitely leaned toward dance as sisterhood rather than dance for seduction, and she did her best to connect the dance to its ethnic roots as well.

1970年代までに、ベリーダンスの歴史における重要人物が登場します。Morocco (ニックネームが”Aunt Rocky”=ロッキー叔母さん) は、ニューヨークを始めとする東海岸で活躍していました。 Ibrahim “Bobby” Farrahは自らもワークショップを行い、またレバノンからNadia Gamal を召還しました。(彼の後継者たちは自らを「ボビー・ドール」と呼び、北米のダンスに影響を与え続けています。)Jamila Salimpour  (そしてのちに、彼女の娘Suhaila)はカリフォルニアのダンスコミュニティに多大な影響を与えました。 こちらはJamila Salimpour のクラスの様子を捉えた映像です。

Jamila の、ベリーダンスを聖なる儀式と捉える歴史観は当時広く伝えられましたが、現在ではこの説は、小さなコミュニティの外では史実とは捉えられてはいません。彼女のクラスでは誘惑のために踊るより、シスターフッド(女性達の姉妹のような絆)を深めることにより重点を置いており、また出来得る限りベリーダンスの民族的なルーツを尊重しようと努力していました。

During this time bellydance lived on the edge of mainstream entertainment in America and was a symbol of hedonism, epitomized by the “harem fantasies” in men’s magazines and pornography at the time. Bellydancers appeared in several James Bond films (here’s a clip but I can’t embed it on the page) and the Starship Enterprise rarely visited a “pleasure planet” that didn’t feature some bellydance-influenced entertainment. Bellydance was a confusing symbol of hedonism and sexuality at the time.

You could also have seen bellydancing on TV series ranging from I Dream of Jeannie to Charlie’s Angels.

当時、ベリーダンスというと、人々を混乱させる享楽主義と性の象徴だったのです。また、「 I Dream of Jeannie」(邦題:かわいい魔女ジニー)や「 Charlie’s Angels」(邦題:チャーリーズ・エンジェル)のようなTVドラマの中で、ベリーダンスを見た方もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。


The article  by Lauren.
Translation Credit:  Nisreen, Naomi Takahashi.

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