Friday, December 9, 2016

American Cabaret 「アメリカンキャバレースタイル」日本語訳⑵

***こちらの記事は、アメリカ在住のライターLaurenさんが書かれたAmerican Cabaretのベリーダンスについての記事の、私Nisreenによる、和訳です。


After the 1970s, bellydance’s brief surge in popularity waned and bellydancers would spend decades working to recover their now-tarnished image as symbols of hedonism and sexualty. It was a confusing time to be a woman, much less one who had fallen in love with bellydance!



Freed from its role as a tool in the sexual revolution, bellydance in the US began to move in two different artistic directions.


On the West Coast, Jamila Salimpour and her students were dressing in folkloric costumes so they would be welcome to perform at ethnic festivals. The hippy aesthetic lent itself to a more earthy, less sparkly presentation and more of a feeling of sisterhood among the dancers. From those movements, American Tribal Style and later Tribal Fusion evolved.

西海岸では、Jamila Salimpourが、民族文化イベントで受け入れられるようにと、生徒と共にフォークロリックなコスチュームに身を包んでいました。 ヒッピー的な美的感覚に沿って、キラキラは控えてより土着的な装い、よりシスターフッド(女性達の姉妹のような絆)にフォーカスしていきました。このような傾向の延長線上に、アメリカントライバルスタイル、そして後にトライバルフュージョンが生み出されました。

But the mixed Pan-Arabic and Turkish style continued to develop as well, and picked up the name “Cabaret” to distinguish it from the folkloric and tribal styles.


By the 1980s, technology was changing. People of ‘average means’ were beginning to travel overseas, and videotape was bringing actual footage of dance from its native lands into students’ living rooms. It was through travel and video that American bellydancers began to discover Egyptian-style bellydance.


By the late 1990s, everyone was watching Golden Era clips, attending workshops with former members of the Reda troupe, and learning to interact with their music in this new, more subtle, more emotionally evocative and less flashy way. The dance community began to speak disparagingly about American Cabaret, saying it wasn’t accurate or authentic.

Americans were still thinking of the ‘Mysterious East’ as a homogenous place and not acknowledging the vast regional differences. For nearly a decade, American Cabaret style bellydance was labeled inauthentic and treated as a Hollywood bastardization of Egyptian style dance.

アメリカ人は未だ、「神秘的な東洋」をいっしょくたに考え、各地域ごとの違いを認識していなかったのです。 およそ10年間、アメリカンキャバレースタイルは、偽物のレッテルを貼られ、エジプシャンスタイルの不出来な模倣品として扱われていました。

American dancers tried to defend themselves, insisting that they had learned their dance directly from native teachers, but until Turkish and Lebanese video clips started turning up, they were simply not heard. American Cabaret, or AmCab, fell out of favor during American’s infatuation with Egyptian dance.


Here’s the legendary Cory Zamora defending Cabaret style in an interview and showing us how it’s done:

こちらは、伝説のダンサーCory Zamoraが、キャバレースタイルについてインタビューで弁護し、そしてどのようなダンスか披露している映像です。


Modern American Cabaret dancers may depart from the finger cymbals/veil wrap/floorwork pattern, but they still blend the movements they’ve learned from Egyptian, Turkish, Lebanese, Tribal, and American Cabaret teachers with movements and aesthetics from ballet, jazz and modern dance. Props have expanded to include Isis wings, fan veils, veil poi, and fire props. 



Ansuya (whose mother, Janaeni Rathor, was a classic American Cabaret dancer), is still performing in American Cabaret style, fusing Indian elements into her dance, wearing multilayered costumes and incorporating zills, floorwork  and props in her shows.

Ansuya(彼女の母お母様はアメリカンキャバレーの名ダンサーであったJanaeni Rathorです。)は、今日もアメリカンキャバレースタイルとインド舞踊の要素を混ぜ合わせて踊っています。何枚もヴェールを重ねるような衣装、フインガーシンバル使い、フロアーワーク、そして様々な小道具使いを継いでいます。

Aziza, formerly of the US and now living in Canada, offers a melting pot of Western and Arab/Turkish elements in her dance. Her performance here begins with a reading from a 1960’s ‘How to Bellydance’ album insert, lending the perfect retro vibe to Aziza’s modern American Cabaret style. Aziza is the current icon of modern American Cabaret style belly dance.

アメリカ出身、カナダ在住のAzizaは、西洋的スタイルと、アラブやターキッシュスタイルの融合をダンスの中に見せています。此方のビデオのイントロでは、1960年代の「How to Bellydance」というアルバムの朗読部分が流れ、彼女のモダンなアメリカンキャバレースタイルに、レトロな雰囲気を添えています。

Suhaila Salimpour is still influential, and the Bellydance Superstars brought Jillina Carlano’s slick choreographies to a wide audience of American dancers and had a profound influence on troupe dancing in the early 21st century. 

Suhaila Salimpourは今でもリーダー的な存在です。
またベリーダンス・スーパースターズの存在は、Jillina Carlanoの洗練された振り付けをアメリカのより広い客層にまで広め、21世紀前半の群舞の分野に誇らかな影響を与えました。

While teachers on the workshop circuit and in Internet discussion groups embraced Egyptian style, hardworking dancers on the American nightclub and restaurant circuit never stopped dancing in the showy blend of Turkish and PanArabic styles that has become Modern American Cabaret style. Today the style is beginning to make a comeback, as the dance community embraces its boldness and power. Here’s Karma Karmelita dancing an almost pure American Cabaret style set in 2015.


こちらは、Karma Karmelitaが2015年に純正なアメリカンキャバレースタイルに近いダンスを踊っている映像です。

The article  by Lauren.
Translation Credit:  Nisreen, Naomi Takahashi.

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