Saturday, April 27, 2024

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 14 -Death And the Maiden -/ アメリカ絵日記14 死と乙女

  Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

 Hi all! This is Nisreen. The other day, I attended a chamber music concert by groups of local students in a church.


All the students did a fantastic job. However, I was particularly inspired by the performance of String Quartet No. 14 in D minor, D 810/ Death and the Maiden, by Franz Schubert. I felt like I could really hear the conversation between Death and the  maiden, a representation of life, youth and joy.  This sketch is inspired by the music!

演奏はどれも素晴らしかったですが、私は特にフランツ・シューベルトの弦楽四重奏曲第14番ニ短調D810/死と乙女の演奏に感銘を受けました。生、若さ、喜びを表現した乙女と、死との間の対話が本当に聞こえてくるような気がしました。 このスケッチは、音楽に想を得て描いたものです。

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep4. Why You Should Watch the Film 'English Vinglish'/ポッドキャストEp4 必見の映画「English Vinglish」(邦題:マダム・イン・ニューヨーク)

   Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen!

I have uploaded the fourth episode of my bilingual podcast.  This time, I talked about one of my all-time favourite films- ‘English Vinglish!’  It’s an Indian Hindi-language comedy which received critical international acclaim.

 It was written and directed by Gauri Shinde.I will explain the four main reasons why I believe everybody should watch the film.   There won’t be any spoilers till the very end, and I will warn you when they’re coming, so you can skip that part if you like. You can also find the full script below.

Please listen to it from the audio below, or  from Apple Podcasts or Spotify .

I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts from the contact form.

x My fan art

x Reference

x Script

Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the fourth episode of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak to you again. Today, I’d love to talk about one of my all-time favourite films- ‘English Vinglish!’  It’s an Indian Hindi-language comedy which received critical international acclaim. It was written and directed by Gauri Shinde. According to Wikipedia, when the film  premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival, it received a 5-minute standing ovation. 

Every time I hear people make blanket statements such as ‘Indian films are silly’ or ‘Bollywood is only about happy-go-lucky dancing’, I want to say ‘have you ever watched [English Vinglish]? Of course you haven’t. JUST GO WATCH IT.’ I will explain the four main reasons why I believe everybody should do so.  There won’t be any spoilers till the very end, and I will warn you when they’re coming, so you can skip that part if you like. 

1: You will love the heroine.
It will be impossible for you not to cheer for the lovely heroine, Shashi, played by the legendary actress Sridevi. As the whole story is about Shashi’s journey to regain her self-esteem, I reckon it’s extremely important for the audience to identify with the heroine. I absolutely adored her. I feel like I know Shashi personally. I can imagine chatting with her for hours over chai.
So, who is Shashi? She’s a traditional homemaker with two kids in western India. She makes and sells sweets called ladoo as a home-run business. She seems to be well-off with her successful husband, Satish. But she secretly suffers from a lack of confidence. She doesn’t have much opportunity to be appreciated for her talent or intelligence. In addition, Satish and her daughter, Sapna, take her for granted, and look down on her because of her poor English-speaking skills. One day, she ends up flying to New York by herself for her older sister’s wedding. Minor spoilers ahead! Please skip ahead about 30 seconds if you want to avoid them.

 OK? Alright, so, soon after she lands in the US, she has a traumatic experience because of the language barrier. This experience motivates her to enroll in an English language course in the city without telling her family. Her experiences studying the language give the film an opportunity for some great characterization. At one point, Shashi asks her niece Radha for a definition of the term ‘judgmental’, and her answer perfectly summarises Shashi’s status: Quote, ‘People assume you are a conservative housewife based on the way you’re dressed, though you are very open-minded in reality: that’s called judgmental’ unquote.  In another scene, Shashi defends a gay male English teacher, an incident which captures her open-minded nature as well.

Sridevi did a fantastic job in making the character Shashi come to life. Her huge brown eyes are incredibly expressive and convey all complicated emotions with subtle movement. I also think it’s incredible that Sridevi had even more depth to her beauty and acting skill than before she took a 15-year break from acting to raise her daughter .  One character, a French chef called Lauren, fancies Shashi, and talks about how great she is. When he does, you just end up thinking, ‘I know, right? She’s wonderful!’ 

2: You will be entertained.
Even though nothing spectacular happens in ‘English Vinglish’, the film will grab your attention from beginning to end. This is quite rare.  Another outstanding Hindi-language film called ‘Queen’ directed by Vikas Bahl has very similar vibes and theme to  ‘English Vinglish,’ for example. I love that film as well. However, if there is one thing that may not make ‘Queen’ as crisp as ‘English Vinglish,’ that may be its pacing. There were a few slow moments in ‘Queen’, whereas ‘English Vinglish’ had no dull moments at all. But again, they are both amazing films. I even made some fan art about Shashi and Rani from Queen hanging out together. 
 ‘English Vinglish’ also has memorable quotes that stay with you forever, because they illuminate some of the challenges faced by women all over the world. My favourite one is this: quote, ‘When a man cooks, it's art... When a woman cooks, it's her duty.’

3: You will get motivated to learn new things.
Even though I don’t have the horrid experience of being bullied due to the language barrier, like Shashi, her struggle in the beginning made me cry. Literally, ugly cry. 
I am aware that there is criticism about the film being unquestioning of the dominant position of the English language compared to other languages in society. Although I get where this is coming from, I found the process of Shashi learning the foreign language and expanding her horizons very inspiring and relatable. I think it’s because I am also one of those who’ve accessed great opportunities by acquiring the English language skills. 
Learning a new language is not only about memorizing vocabulary and grammar. It is also about opening the door to different cultures and, most importantly, communication. Seeing Shashi gaining the ability to express herself will definitely motivate you to learn new things.

4: You will feel girl power, but in a realistic way.
One thing stuck with me about this film is its realism. There are some fantastical elements of course. But details such as the ethnically diverse classmates in the English language school in New York came across as very real to me. I also appreciated the fact that Lauren, the French chef, was played by a French actor. More than anything, the ending is outstanding because of its realism. I will give a spoiler now, so I can discuss the ending in depth. If you haven’t watched the film, please watch it first and come back later!

I understand why some folks found the ending not-very-feminist, because at the end of the day, Shashi continues to be an ideal wife. She doesn’t part ways with her condescending husband, and having an affair with her admirer, Lauren, is totally out of the question. But think about that- how realistic would the film be, if she divorced her wealthy husband and ran away with her French lover? According to the website of World Population Review, the divorce rate in India stood at 0.01 per 1000 people between 2017 and 2020, one of the lowest in the world.  This number is calculated by dividing the number of divorces in a given year by the total population. Although divorce among older couples in India has been increasing in the last couple of years, I can imagine divorce was even more stigmatized in 2012, when the film came out. Thus, it would have been extremely unrelatable for many Indian women if the film glorified the breakup of her marriage. Even today in my home country, Japan, where the divorce rate between 2017 and 2020 is 1.7 per 1000 not very high -but still 170 times higher than India-, I get the sense that many women find it difficult to divorce their spouses, especially if they have little children. And so, I love how the film conveys an empowering message for women, without making it a complete fairy tale. The most important change happens within Shashi’s mind, which is precisely why many female audiences will identify with this film and get inspired to make the change like Shashi. I believe it is important for feminist entertainment to be culturally inclusive, and engage with the target audiences as a friend, not a preacher. 

What did you think? I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts about this beautiful film from the contact form in the description. 
Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!

今日は、私の大好きな映画「English Vinglish」邦題では「マダムインニューヨーク」ですねーこの映画の魅力についてお話したいと思います。 


以下オーディオファイル、もしくはApple PodcastsSpotifyにもアップロードされています。



X スクリプト


今日は、私の大好きな映画「English Vinglish」邦題では「マダム・イン・ニューヨーク」ですねーこの映画の魅力についてお話したいと思います。  国際的に高い評価を受けたコメディのインド、ヒンディー語映画です。脚本・監督はガウリ・シンデ。ウィキペディアによると、2012年トロント国際映画祭でプレミア上映された際、5分間のスタンディングオベーションを受けたそうです。







シャシが言葉を覚えていく過程が、彼女の人物について深く知っていくための機会にもなっています。シャシが姪のラダに「ジャッジメンタル」という言葉の意味を質問する場面があります。ラダは「おばさんは 実際はとてもオープンマインドなのに、みんな服装から保守的な主婦だと決めつける。そうやってよく知らずに決めつけることを、ジャッジメンタルっていうの」と説明します。これは、シャシという人物を端的に象徴するような言葉です。また別のシーンでは、シャシがゲイの男性英語教師をかばっています。ここでも、シャシがとてもオープンマインドな人物であることがわかります。

スリデヴィのシャシというキャラクターに命を吹き込むような演技は素晴らしいの一言です。彼女の大きな褐色の瞳の、繊細な動き一つで、ありとあらゆる感情が伝わってきます。この映画に出演する前、スリデヴィは15年間、育児のために演技の仕事はお休みしていたそうです。それなのに。スリデヴィの美しさと演技力がむしろ前より深みが増していたこともすごいと思います。 登場人物の一人、フランス人シェフのローランがシャシにうっとりしてしまって、彼女がいかに素晴らしいかを語る場面がありますが、つい「わかる!シャシって素敵よね」と言いたくなってしまいます。


2: すべての瞬間が面白い

「イングリッシュ・ヴィングリッシュ』は派手な映画ではありませんが、最初から最後まで観る者の心をつかみます。これはかなり珍しいことだと思います。 例えば、同じヒンディー語映画であれば、ヴィカス・バール監督の「Queen」という映画は、「English Vinglish」とテーマも雰囲気も似ています。私は「Queen」も大好きなんですよね。ただ、「Queen」が「English Vinglish」と比べやや弱いかもしれないと思う点は、テンポだと思います。「クイーン』は時々冗長に感じる時間がありましたが、『イングリッシュ・ヴィングリッシュ』にはだれる瞬間が全くありませんでした。もちろんどちらも素晴らしい映画だと思います。実は私は「Queen』のシャシとラーニが友達になっている姿を絵に描いたことがあります。

また「 イングリッシュ・ヴィングリッシュ』には、いつまでも心に残る名言が沢山出てきます。私のお気に入りは「男性が料理をすれば、アートと呼ばれる。でも女性が料理をすると、それは当然の役目。」というシャシの台詞です。世界中の女性の状況を表していると思います。。






4: 女性へのエンパワーメントを感じられるーそれも現実的な形で。



World Population Reviewのウェブサイトによると、2017年から2020年にかけてのインドの離婚率は1000人あたり0.01人で、世界的に見ても最も低いです。 この数字は、ある年の離婚件数を総人口で割って算出されました。インドではここ数年、高齢カップルの離婚が増加しているそうですが、この映画が公開された2012年当時は、離婚はもっとタブーだっただろうと想像できます。今でさえ、たとえば、私の母国である日本でも、離婚、特に小さい子供がいる女性の離婚は非常に難しいという社会通念が強いです。なお、2017年から2020年にかけての日本の離婚率は1000人あたり1.7人です。世界的にはかなり低いですが、インドに比べると170倍です。そんな今の日本でもそんな状況ですので、インドの2012年の離婚に関するスティグマの強さは推して知るべしだと思います。結婚生活の破たんを称賛するような展開にしていたら、きっと多くのインド人女性にとって、まったく共感できない映画になっていたことでしょう。



いかがでしたか?もし今日のエピソードを楽しんでいただけましたら、Apple PodcastsまたはSpotifyにレビューを書いていただけると大変励みになります。もちろん、説明文にあるコンタクトフォームから映画についてお考えを教えてくださるのも大歓迎です。


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Friday, April 19, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.3 Artists' Mental Health and Social Media /ポッドキャストEp3.アーティストのメンタルヘルスとソーシャルメディア

   Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen!

I uploaded the third episode of my podcast. This time, I talked a theme that’s very close to my heart: artists’ mental health and social media. The definition of ‘artist’ here is anyone who expresses themselves through any art forms, no matter whether financial profit is involved. I’m not a believer that you’re only an artist only if you make money of your art. I analysed the reasons why social media could be toxic for artists' mental health and suggested three tips for softening the emotional toll.

Please listen to it from the audio below, or  from Apple Podcasts or Spotify .

The full script is shared below.

X Script

Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the third episode of my podcast. Lovely to speak to you again.

Today, I’d love to talk about a theme that’s very close to my heart: artists’ mental health and social media. The definition of ‘artist’ here is anyone who expresses themselves through any art forms, no matter whether financial profit is involved. I’m not a believer that you’re only an artist only if you make money of your art.

In my case, I share my belly dance performance s and paintings/drawings online. For now, I do this purely for self-expression. I also consider this podcast a tiny piece of art. 

In terms of the impact of social media on mental health in general, I found an insightful article titled ‘Social Media Use and Mental Health: A Global Analysis’ by the National Library of Medicine, the world's largest medical library in Maryland. I will read one passage from the article. Quote, ‘Using PRISMA guidelines on PubMed and Google Scholar, a literature search from January 2010 to June 2020 was conducted to identify studies addressing the relationship between social media sites and mental health. Of the 39 studies identified, 20 were included in the meta-analysis. Results indicate that while social media can create a sense of community for the user, excessive and increased use of social media, particularly among those who are vulnerable, is correlated with depression and other mental health disorders.’ Unquote.

Well, the definition of vulnerability varies of course. But I can certainly say, sharing your creation on the internet also makes you experience certain level of vulnerability. I couldn’t find any data specifically about artists’ mental health and social media. There are quite a few blog posts from the artists’ perspectives, though, that honestly talk about their struggles. Their courage inspired me to talk about my own perspectives on this topic. 

First, what makes social media a source of the sense of community?’ Its equality and accessibility. No matter where you are, who you are, you can express your artistry online. If you try to exhibit your paintings in a physical gallery, for example, you usually need to pay the rental fee for the venue. And of course, you must be physically capable to prepare the exhibit, or at least submit your artwork. And you don’t have a voice on other media platforms such as TV, newspapers, magazines, unless you already have established your reputation or connections. On the internet, on the other hand, you can just post your work for free, by yourself. And you can post online while you are at home, even from your sick bed! 

And when it comes to accessibility- you can also reach out to anyone, anywhere, online. I also have fortunate experiences in that sense. I received lovely comments on my art posts from the director and producer of my favourite film ‘Yeh Ballet’ in Delhi, and from Sophie Ellis-Bextor, a popstar in England as well. As mentioned in episode 1, I connected with fan communities of the film RRR too. I can’t think of any other means like social media to make such broad connections. If you have an exhibit in the real world, you will only have local people to view your art, unless you’re a highly acclaimed artist already.

Then, why, could social media be psychologically harmful? I will talk about five reasons why I think social media can be particularly toxic for artists. Later, I will share the tips for softening the emotional toll. Let’s get right into it!

1. Social media enforces competition.

The numbers of likes, comments, even views are instantly visible. You may notice the number of visitors or sales in person, too, particularly if you’re a career artist. But what’s unique about social media is that the numbers are usually public. Once you’re on social media, you are automatically put in a competitive system.  Especially for underage creators, this could be truly heart breaking because what they need is often not harsh criticism, but nurturing.

2. Social media has an ‘anti-fine art’ bias.

This may sound like overgeneralization, but bear with me. First, what is fine art? Is it different to commercial art? Fine art is typically visual art such as paintings or sculptures that are created for the sake of its creation. Fine art aims to express personal or cultural perspectives in a unique way. It often has a subtle and abstract nature. It has room for interpretation and emotional experience. In contrast, commercial art is created with a clearer commercial purpose. Package design, posters, book illustrations for example are usually called commercial art. They aim to convey a message efficiently to a specific group of people. Both art styles are important and valuable, And of course, it’s often hard to draw the line between the two. The medieval European portraits were often painted for clients upon commission, and so were commercial products. But those pieces in the museums nowadays are considered fine art. 

The point is, though, that fine art is not valued for its efficient communication. You need to take time to reflect on the piece to really appreciate it. This aspect of fine art is inherently anti-social media. On social media, efficient and instant engagement is essential to gain views. You may say the same thing about dance videos online. Not many people take 30 minutes to appreciate a traditional dance routine. They only see 30 second-long Instagram reels. What is scary about social media for traditional or fine artists especially is, that the more you try to grow views, the more you could alienate yourself from your core principles. 

3. Social media consumes your time.

People say you need to post multiple times every day, otherwise the algorithms leave you behind. Instagram in particular has this tendency nowadays. Algorithms also tend to pick up reels/videos much more than images. My question is, though, how are we supposed to find the time to get engrossed in artwork if we upload the videos every day? Don’t get me wrong. I truly respect those who make it happen. To me, at least, it doesn't seem to be very sustainable. Also, if you try to engage with your followers, you may end up thinking about social media 24/7, which could be exhausting.

4. Social media discourages you from evolving.

Algorithms love consistency. For example, rather than posting about dogs one day, and films other days, you need to only post about dogs all the way through, to get boosted. So obviously, the way I talk about various topics here and on my social media is a bad policy if you want attention! Also, as much as I appreciate fan art communities, in my case of films, I am aware of expectation for fan art creators especially, to stick to the same subject. I don’t buy that, honestly. For nurturing creativity, trying out different themes, means, and styles is extremely important. Look how much Picasso evolved through his life!

5. Finally, social media is basically an anonymous space.

If you show your painting, or dancing, to someone in person, you almost certainly get a reaction. They may not like it. They may criticise it. They may just ignore it. But at least, YOU see them. Audiences in any case generally tend to be warm. On the internet, though, sometimes all you receive for your work is the dead silence. You don’t even know if anyone saw your piece. Maybe they have, it’s marked as ‘seen.’ But you don’t know. All you see is those icons, not actual people. It may feel like talking into the void. Especially after spending days of furnishing your craft on your own and finally finishing it, this sense of loneliness may deeply affect you.

These are the five reasons why I believe social media could be toxic for creators. Now, how can we make it better for ourselves, if we don’t plan to delete all the social media accounts? I will suggest three methods that worked for me.

1. Find more opportunities to share art in person.

In terms of visual art, since I joined a local art guild and exhibit, I’ve started feeling less worried about social media. I suppose it’s because social media became my secondary platform, not my primary one. And the sense of belonging to the local community really helped me. Fortunately, these local activities are all very affordable. Also, performing / belly dancing in local events is a great way to feel connected to people in real life for me. By having the more sociable art form to express myself, I can cope with the solitude I have when working on visual art.

2. Set clear goals and priorities for using social media.

You could write down three top goals. For example, in my case, the top motivation in social media usage is to express my creativity. The second priority is to improve my language and communication skills. The third priority is to build the genuine sense of community. Once I recognized those priorities, I started feeling less stressed about algorithms and numbers. It would be great, of course, if I gain more viewers, but I don’t try to do that by compromising my higher priorities. On the contrary, if your top priority is to increase business engagement, you might need to learn how to use algorithms. You may seek professional support for marketing. Either way, becoming conscious about your intention will help you focus on your goals, not the emotions along the way.

3. Try to reach out in more personal ways

Some may use newsletters, or membership online salons, video chats or simply emails to their online followers or community members. These methods are slower, and more personal. We could focus more on individual connections and conversations even online, rather than with faceless ‘audiences.’ I have a video call session with my art friends in Japan about once a month. It helps me keep motivations for sharing my art online. I also realised one heartfelt comment matters much more than any number of likes to me.

 These are main three suggestions I’d make. And of course, taking good night sleep and sunlight is important too. Limiting the time on social media is also an idea. Again, social media can give us great benefits, if we can work around the negatives.

What did you think? I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on Apple Podcasts  or Spotify. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts about this topic from the contact form in the description. 

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now.

x Reference

Social Media Use and Mental Health: A Global Analysis<>


Commercial Art vs Fine Art (A Simple Comparison: The Differences & Similarities Between Fine Art & Commercial Artwork)







以下のオーディオファイルから是非お聴きください。スクリプトもシェアしております。または、SpotifyApple Podcastsからもお聴き戴けます。

もしエピソードを楽しんでいただけましたら、Apple PodcastsまたはSpotifyにレビューを書いていただけると大変励みになります。もちろん、コンタクトフォームから感想を教えてくださるのも大歓迎です。




ソーシャルメディアがメンタルヘルス全般に与える影響について、参考になる記事を見つけました。 アメリカ合衆国にある世界最大の国立医学図書館による『ソーシャルメディアの利用とメンタルヘルス』と題された記事です。記事の一節を読み上げます。 『PubMedとGoogle ScholarのPRISMAガイドラインを用いて、2010年1月から2020年6月までソーシャルメディア使用とメンタルヘルスとの関係を取り上げた研究を実施した。39件の研究のうち、20件がメタ分析に含まれた。分析結果、ソーシャルメディアは利用者に前向きな帰属意識をもたらす可能性がある一方で、特にリスクに晒されやすい立場にある人々のソーシャルメディアの過度な利用や利用増加は、うつ病やその他の精神的な問題と相関関係にあることが示された』。以上引用です。





1. ソーシャルメディアは競争を強いる

「いいね!」の数、コメント数、閲覧数までもが即座に目に入ります。もちろんプロアーティストであれば、ネットに限らず来客数や売上に直接気づくことはあるでしょう。ただソーシャルメディアのユニークな点は、数字が基本的には公開されるということです。ソーシャルメディアに登録した時点で、自動的にほかの人との数字での比較に巻き込まれることになります。 特に未成年のクリエイターにとって、これは厳しいです。成長過程の彼らに必要なのは厳しい競争ではなく、優しく見守ってくれる環境であることも多いからです。









4. ソーシャルメディアは変化を嫌う。













いかがでしたか?もし今日のエピソードを楽しんでいただけましたら、Apple PodcastsまたはSpotifyにレビューを書いていただけると大変励みになります。もちろん、説明文にあるコンタクトフォームから感想や今回のエピソードへのお返事を教えてくださるのも大歓迎です。



Social Media Use and Mental Health: A Global Analysis<>


Commercial Art vs Fine Art (A Simple Comparison: The Differences & Similarities Between Fine Art & Commercial Artwork)




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[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello Nisreen, how are you? It looks like spring is finally around the corner! On Saturday March ...