Friday, August 16, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.20 What Makes Podcasts Special /ポッドキャスト Ep.20 ポッドキャストで叶える夢

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the 20th episode of my podcast! 

Today, I’d like to take a trip down memory lane, and talk about what inspired me to start this podcast. 

Please find the audio file and script below.
The episode is available on  Apple Podcasts and Spotify as well.

X Script
Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the 20th episode of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.

Today, I’d like to take a trip down memory lane, and talk about what inspired me to start this podcast. 

When I was a little girl, podcasts weren’t around yet—at least not in Japan. Instead, we had radio. I used to listen to this well-known pop singer’s radio program every now and then. He would chat, play music, and have lonely hearts conversations with listeners. One night, he got a call from a teenage girl who hadn’t been to school for a couple of years after a traumatic event. She was obviously hurt and embarrassed about her situation. I expected the singer to be sympathetic. But, upsettingly, he wasn’t. He downplayed her trauma, laughing it off as something trivial, that only she would remember in the future.

To be fair, maybe he was trying to offer a different perspective. But I didn’t hear any thoughtfulness in his voice or choice of words. Twelve-year-old me was disillusioned—and angry. It was especially disappointing because listening to those radio chats made me feel like I was part of a friendship. There’s something particularly intimate about listening to the radio. It felt different from watching TV. His dismissive tone lingered in my mind, like overhearing a friend speaking poorly about someone behind their back. Who did he think he was? I stopped listening to his music altogether after that night. 

Fast-forward to last winter, when I had a flashback to that experience after hearing a female podcaster mocking vegetarians. Again, I had a strong sense of betrayal, because I was beginning to feel a connection with that podcaster. The difference this time was that auditory entertainment had become a much larger part of my life. I often play different podcasts or YouTube videos while working on my art projects. I’ve come to realise just how much impact the human voice can have on me. The podcasts I enjoy most all have soothing voices, calm analysis, and careful language. Plus, their content is thoughtful and well-researched. Unfortunately, this kind of content isn’t always easy to find, especially in Japanese, unless you turn to national educational channels. This might be because English dominates the podcast world, while Japanese is still a minority language in this sphere.

I started thinking—maybe I could create the kind of podcast I want to hear—a peaceful audio space where I can speak to likeminded people. If I made it bilingual, it would help me improve my English speaking skills, and might also benefit English or Japanese learners.

Having a talk session with one of my favourite YouTubers and friends, Sumino, encouraged me to make this idea a reality. And each one of you who listens to this podcast—you’ve inspired me too. I want to thank each of you. It’s been challenging, but also incredibly healing to gather my thoughts in two languages and share my voice from this little platform every week.

Next month, I’ll be taking a break for some academic and performance projects. I’ll return in October with season two! In the meantime, I’ll be sharing past episodes on my YouTube channel. I’d be delighted if you left a review of this podcast or commented on my YouTube channel. And, of course, you’re always welcome to share your thoughts through the contact form in the description.

Thank you so much for listening. See you soon!

X Reference

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また、Apple Podcasts と Spotifyからもお聴きいただけます。

X スクリプト















X Reference
Fan talk with Sumino 澄乃さんとの対談
My YouTube channel私のYouTubeチャネル

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