Saturday, November 23, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Episode 5 Why Romcoms Still Rock /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード5 ロマンティックコメディは不滅

   Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the fifth episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again.

Today, I’d like to talk about a film genre that seems to be quietly fading away: the romcom, or romantic comedy! 

Please find the audio file below.
No spoilers- so no worries even if you haven't watched the films!
You can also find the episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

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Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the fifth episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again.


Today, I’d like to talk about a film genre that seems to be quietly fading away: the romcom, or romantic comedy! Growing up in the ’90s and 2000s, I always loved this cheesy but sweet and light-hearted genre. I have fond memories of films like The Wedding Singer, Bridget Jones’s Diary, and Never Been Kissed.

As a Capsule article from 2022 pointed out, big-budget Marvel superhero films have largely taken the place of romcoms over the last decade. However, platforms like Netflix, /and indie film makers are still producing well-written romcoms! I’d love to shine a light on some smaller films that deserve more attention. A total coincidence, but all three films are British. No spoilers—enjoy!


The first film I’d like to recommend is What’s Love Got to Do with It. Released in 2022, it was directed by Shekhar Kapur, and written by Jemima Khan. At the 17th Rome Film Festival, it won the Best Comedy Award.

The story revolves around Zoe Stevenson, played by Lily James, a successful but chaotic filmmaker in her early thirties. Zoe decides to document the arranged marriage of her British-Pakistani next-door neighbour, Kazim “Kaz” Khan. While it follows some classic romcom tropes, the focus on cultural differences between the West and the East set this charming film apart.

The film delicately balances being honest about one’s perspective, while remaining culturally respectful and open-minded—much as Zoe herself struggles to do in her project. I was impressed by how the movie sensitively portrayed both the differences and the shared humanity between cultures, all while maintaining its humour and light-hearted tone.

My favourite character was Zoe’s mother, Cath, played by the ever-delightful Emma Thompson. There’s a heartfelt conversation between Cath and Zoe that unexpectedly had me in tears. And I can’t forget to mention—Cath’s dog is absolutely adorable!

The second film I’d like to highlight is Yesterday, a musical romantic comedy released in 2019. As the title suggests, it features songs by the legendary band, The Beatles. Coincidentally, this is another film starring Lily James, who plays Ellie, the childhood friend of the protagonist, Jack Malik.

Jack, played by Himesh Patel, is a struggling singer-songwriter. One day, he’s hit by a bus during a mysterious 12-second global power failure. After recovering, he discovers he’s now in a world where The Beatles have never existed, or their music has been completely erased from history. Jack begins performing their songs, passing them off as his own. Watching Jack wrestle with the moral dilemmas this causes is both hilarious and engaging.

This film captures something I love about British romcoms: the protagonist feels genuinely ordinary. By contrast, as much as I enjoyed The Devil Wears Prada, casting Anne Hathaway as an “ordinary, plain girl” was, frankly, a stretch.

After watching this film and, of course, What’s Love Got to Do with It, I couldn’t help but notice how much the representation of people of Asian descent has been normalised in British cinema, which is truly wonderful. A common critique of classic romantic films has been the homogeneity of their characters. In contrast, these films embrace greater diversity, while still preserving the beloved tropes of the genre.

Yesterday also features a memorable cameo by pop star Ed Sheeran. His line about Hey Jude made me burst out laughing! I’d recommend this film to anyone who loves The Beatles, or good music in general. And Himesh Patel’s singing performances are genuinely superb.


The third film is Man Up (2014), directed by Ben Palmer and written by Tess Morris. This one stars Lake Bell as Nancy, a woman unlucky in love, and Simon Pegg as Jack, a 40-year-old divorced man. The story follows their whirlwind day in London, brought about by a chance mistake that leads to an unexpected connection.

The film’s witty script and classical-theatre feel won me over, especially in a climactic sequence involving a crowd rushing together—it reminded me of the charm of classic films like Melody. While the main characters’ chemistry is fantastic, the true star of this film is the city of London itself. The movie makes you feel as though you’re exploring this beautiful city alongside the characters.


What I adore about good romcoms is their blend of laughter and just the right touch of emotional depth, offering a temporary escape from the bitterness of the real world.

So, what did you think of today’s episode? If you enjoyed it, I’d love to hear your thoughts—feel free to share them on social media or through the contact form in the description. Leaving a review would mean the world to me!

Thank you so much for listening, and I’ll see you next time!

  X Related Links

The Rom-Coms Rise Again? Are Romantic Comedies Back…. & Why Did They Disappear in the First Place?

What's Love Got to Do with It? (2022 film)

Yesterday (2019 film)

Man Up (film)

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Belly Dance Website

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Apple Podcasts とSpotifyにもエピソードがあります。映画に関するネタバレはありませんのでご安心ください。







最初にお勧めしたい映画は『きっと、それは愛じゃない』原題は『What's Love Got to Do with It』という作品です。2022年公開、シェカール・カプール監督、ジェマイマ・カーン脚本の作品です。第17回ローマ映画祭では最優秀コメディ賞を受賞しています。







このように、「どこにでもいそう」と評される登場人物がちゃんとそのように見えるというのはイギリスのコメディの好きな点です。対照例として、アメリカ映画『プラダを着た悪魔』は面白かったですが、アン・ハサウェイを 「平凡で地味な女の子 」にキャスティングするのは、はっきり言って無理があったと思います。

この映画と、先にご紹介した『What's Love Got to Do with It』を観て、イギリス映画におけるアジア系の人々の活躍が珍しい物でなくなっていることを実感しました。古典的な恋愛映画に対するよくある批判の一つに、登場人物に多様性が欠けているということがありますが、これらの映画は、古典の型を守りつつも、より多様な人々の姿を描いていると思います。











 X 関連リンク

The Rom-Coms Rise Again? Are Romantic Comedies Back…. & Why Did They Disappear in the First Place?

What's Love Got to Do with It? (2022 film)

Yesterday (2019 film)

Man Up (film)

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Belly Dance Website

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