Hi to all, this is Nisreen.
A Belly Dancing Visual Artist, Nisreen's Bilingual Diary ; I started my own podcast /踊ったり絵を描いたりする人の日英書庫・Podcast運営中
Sunday, October 15, 2023
[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 8 -I went to The Darkness concert. -/ アメリカ絵日記8 The Darknessのコンサートに行ってきました!
Sunday, October 8, 2023
[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 7 -I Participated in Annual Juried Show of Wabash Valley Artists Society. -/ アメリカ絵日記7 Wabash Valley Artists Societyの展示に参加しました
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 6 -I Participated in INBC Summer's End Belly Dance Fest -/ アメリカ絵日記6 INBCサマーエンドフェスティヴァルに参加してきました
Hi all, this is Nisreen!
The other day, for the first time since moving to the USA, I
went and stayed out of town for a belly dance event: INBC Summer's End Belly Dance Fest. I had the great luxury of taking a workshop with Phaedra, a wonderful
Chicago-based dancer, throughout the day. I also got to perform as a soloist
and a Troupe Oasis member at the gala show in the evening.
It was also my very first time to learn how to use a
fan veil, but I could learn a lot at the workshop, since Phaedra thoroughly
taught us the basics. I also discovered a lot about shimmy variations.
As a member of Troupe Oasis, I performed Move Your Belly,
choreographed by Dhalena. It is my favourite piece in Troupe
Oasis' repertoire, featuring a dramatic song, and beautiful choreography.
Troupe Oasisのメンバーとしては、Dhalenaさんの振り付けによるMove Your Bellyをパフォームしました。ドラマティックで美しい曲と振り付けなので、Troupe Oasisの演目の中でも私のお気に入りです。
With everyone before the performance. I was in my jacket because I'm an always-cold person.
Below is a picture of Deborah, Kelly, and me performing in harmony.
I performed solo to a song called ‘My Love’ by the Turkish band Harem. I was particularly excited, as it had been a while since I had performed to Turkish music. I enjoyed doing the floor work, and seeing the enthusiasm of the audience. Phaedra's kind comments about the performance in the dressing room also made me feel very happy.
ソロではHaremというトルコのバンドによるMy Loveという曲でパフォーマンスをしました。久しぶりにトルコの音楽でパフォーマンスをしたので、特にわくわくしました。フロアーワークの間も、皆さんの盛り上がりが伝わってきて、嬉しかったです。Phaedraさんが控室で優しいコメントをくださったこともとても励みになりました!
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