Friday, May 3, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep5. Why 'Small Pig' is an Ideal Picture Book/ポッドキャストEp5. 「どろんここぶた」が傑作絵本と呼ばれる理由

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen! I uploaded the 5th episode of my bilingual podcast.

This time, I talked about one of my favourite picture books, ‘Small Pig’, by the famous American author, Arnold Lobel. The book was first published in 1969, and is still loved all around the world today. I grew up reading the Japanese translation with my parents. Please listen to the audio file below. It's available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify as well.

The full script is available below. You're more than welcome to share your thoughts from the contact form or social media sites!


Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the fifth episode of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak to you again.

Today, I’d love to talk about one of my favourite picture books, ‘Small Pig’, by the famous American author, Arnold Lobel. The book was first published in 1969, and is still loved all around the world today. I grew up reading the Japanese translation with my parents.

You may wonder why I chose this children’s book as a podcast theme. I believe that picture books are an extremely important art form, because, oftentimes, it’s the very first art form people get exposed to. So, its impact stays with us even after we grow up.

According to  ‘Exploring the Therapeutic Effect of Children's Picture Books,’ a dissertation by Yunfan Chen from Syracuse University the experience of reading stories with illustrations greatly supports children’s emotional development. Quote, ‘a picture's purpose is to clarify meaning by conveying information and complementing the meaning of a word. But pictures are not just sensory pleasure, they also contain information, emotion, storytelling. The beauty of picture books is that the words and illustrations support each other in telling stories and connecting with children. Children benefit from illustrated books because they enable them to explore their emotions.’ Unquote.

I will explain three reasons why ‘Small Pig’ is an ideal example of the unique power of storytelling in picture books. Let’s get right into it!


1: It will make you laugh.

Maybe this is the first thing you notice about ‘Small Pig.’ This story is so goofy! It goes like this; a farmer and his wife have a Small Pig called Small Pig. They love him like he was their baby. Small Pig loves to sit in soft, comfortable mud – so much that when the farmer's wife cleans up the mud in his pigpen, he gets angry, and runs away. The story follows his little adventure in the outside world. The simple illustrations perfectly capture Little Pig’s cuteness.

I know from his perspective, loosing his mud puddle is a tragedy. But it’s hard not to smile looking at his little frowning face, and the little ribbon on his head. Like ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl shows us, children especially appreciate humour in books. ‘Little Pig’s great sense of humour is definitely one of the factors that makes it a masterpiece. Also, I have to mention how great the Japanese translation by Reiko Kishida is. She used Japanese onomatopoeia*, such as ‘ずずず~~~っと’ to express the sensation of the Small Pig sinking in mud. I still remember laughing at that section when I was small.


2:  It will make your heart race.

As mentioned earlier, ‘Small Pig’ is about the titular* character’s little tragedies and challenges in life. Thus, it’s not only funny, but thrilling. It makes you cheer for the protagonist. In a particular scene where Small Pig ends up in an ‘unfortunate’ situation – I won’t tell you what, to avoid spoilers -- you will find yourself feeling anxious for him. The art is really evocative*; in this scene, it reminds me of the kind of nightmare you would have as a small child, about leaving your safe home and facing the big scary world.


3: It will teach you a valuable lesson.

As I mentioned earlier, this story is funny and sweet. It doesn’t come across as a moralising story at all. However, looking back now, I see how educational the story was, especially for kids’ parents. Even though the farmer’s wife cleaning the pigpen was a perfectly reasonable action for an adult, at the end of the story, she promises the Small Pig that she’ll never ruin his mud hole again. This showcases how important it is for adults to respect kids’ values and boundaries, no matter how silly they may seem!

This moral message is somehow reminiscent of a Japanese well-known picture book, ‘Oshiire no Boken’ or ‘The adventure of Closet’ by Taruhi Furuta and Seiichi Tabata. It’s primarily a fantasy adventure two boys have in a closet of a nursery school. However, it also contains a moral lesson for the teachers. The teachers put the boys in the closet as a punishment for their bad behaviour, without listening to their explanation of events. In  the 1970s, when the book was published, this type of authoritarian attitude to children was very much normalised, especially in Japan. The boys are told by the teachers to apologise if they want to get out of the closet, but even though it’s scary in the closet, they refuse. And they discover a fantasy world in the closet where they have adventures. They defeat the villains in the fantasy world without seeking any help from outside. At the end of the story, when the boys finally get out of the closet, the teachers apologise to the boys for having ignored their pleas and explanations. They even agree to abolish usage of the closet for punishment. The message is clear as day here: listen to your kids! I find it fascinating that these two books with completely different styles and cultural backgrounds have some common ground.

From kids’ perspective, though, ‘The adventure of Closet’ is about their own bravery and resilience. On the other hand, ‘Small Pig’ showcases the beauty of self-acceptance to children. The farmer and his wife adore Small Pig, and look for him despite his quirkiness and silly mistakes. And the last scene, where he sinks in his favourite mud puddle once more, feels like a big thumbs-up to him living his life the way he finds joy.


What did you think? I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts about children’s books from the contact form in the description.

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!

X Reference

Exploring the Ther Exploring the Therapeutic E apeutic Effect of Childr ect of Children's Pictur s Picture Books e Books/Yunfan Chen Syracuse University 

X Social Media



以下のオーディオファイル、または Apple Podcasts と Spotify からお聞きいただけます。



今日は、私の大好きな絵本のひとつ、有名な米国人作家アーノルド・ローベルの「Small Pig」、日本語訳では「どろんここぶた」についてお話ししたいと思います。この絵本は1969年に出版され、今でも世界中で愛されています。私は子供の頃に、両親に日本語訳を読みきかせしてもらいながら育ちました。


シラキュース大学の(Yunfan Chen)氏の学位論文「絵本の心理的治療効果を探る」によると、挿絵のある物語を読む経験は、子どもの情緒の発達を大いに助ける役目があるそうです。以下引用します。「 絵の目的は、情報を伝え、言葉の意味を補うことによって意味を明確にすることである。しかし、絵は単なる感覚的な楽しみではなく、情報、感情、物語を含んでいる。絵本のすばらしさは、言葉と絵が互いに支え合って物語を語り、子どもたちと心を通わせるところにある。絵本の多きな恩恵は、子どもたちがさまざまな感情を経験することを可能にすることだ。」。以上引用です。


















いかがでしたか?もし今日のエピソードを楽しんでいただけましたら、Apple PodcastsまたはSpotifyにレビューを書いていただけると大変励みになります。もちろん、説明文にあるコンタクトフォームから絵本についてお考えを教えてくださるのも大歓迎です。



Exploring the Ther Exploring the Therapeutic E apeutic Effect of Childr ect of Children's Pictur s Picture Books e Books/Yunfan Chen Syracuse University 


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