Friday, May 10, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.6 Shogun (2024) Drama Review from a Japanese Female's Perspective/ポッドキャスト Ep.6 「将軍」(2024) 日本人女性の視点からアメリカ産時代劇レビュー

 Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen! I uploaded the 6th episode of my bilingual podcast.

Today, I’d like to do something new for this podcast: talking about a TV show that’s just finished a few weeks ago. That show is ‘Shogun’, an American series set in the 1600s  in Japan, broadcast on FX. I’ll talk about this beautifully crafted historical drama, focusing on two points: the depiction of Japanese culture, and the show’s female characters. There won’t be any spoilers till the very end, and I will warn you when they’re coming, so you can skip that part if you like.

Please listen to the audio file below. It's available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify as well. You can also read the full script below. Please highlight the sentences for reading the spoilers.

You're more than welcome to share the episode on social media, or let me know your thoughts from the contact form.

X Reference

渡邊 大門ー性と愛の戦国史

Wikipedia- Shōgun (2024 miniseries)

X Script

Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the sixth episode of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak to you again. 

Today, I’d like to do something new for this podcast: talking about a TV show that’s just finished a few weeks ago. That show is ‘Shogun’, an American series set in the sixteen hundreds in Japan, broadcast on FX. I’ll talk about this beautifully crafted historical drama, focusing on two points: the depiction of Japanese culture, and the show’s female characters. I’m usually not a big fan of labels such as ‘as a Japanese or Asian,’ or ‘as a woman.’ However, to discuss these specific points, I believe the fact that I’m Japanese and female is relevant. 

Please keep in mind that this is just one person’s opinion. Furthermore, I was born and raised in Japan, and I’m currently based in the US. I’m pretty sure Japanese-descendant people who grew up in the US, or those who live in Japan, may have different points of view to mine. 

There won’t be any spoilers till the very end, and I will warn you when they’re coming, so you can skip that part if you like. Alright? Let’s get right into it.

1. The depiction of Japanese culture 

The series is based on the book ‘Shogun’ by the British writer, James Clavell” I regret that I haven’t read the book yet. Shōgun follows, quote "the collision of two ambitious men from different worlds” unquote. John Blackthorne, or Anjin, played by Cosmo Jarvis”, is a brave English sailor who ends up shipwrecked in Japan, a land completely unfamiliar to him. The other protagonist is Lord Toranaga, played by Hiroyuki Sanada, a powerful daimyo, or feudal lord. He is apparently modeled after the historical figure Tokugawa Ieyasu. Toranaga’s interpreter Lady Mariko, played by Anna Sawai, also plays an important role. She’s aristocratic, and highly intelligent, but is burdened with dishonour from her family history. 

As I’m not a specialist of history, I can’t meticulously compare its historical accuracy. However, I can definitely say ‘Shogun’ had the authentic Japanese vibes. It was reminiscent” of classic period dramas on the Japanese national TV channel I grew up watching. All of the cast spoke historically authentic Japanese. The actors’ performance was superb, and the script was completely natural. I really appreciated it. 

The funny thing is, I was introduced to ‘Shogun’ by two non-Japanese people. One is my husband, who’s a historian of Japan from England, and the other is an American gentleman whom I met at a drawing session and had a chat with. I wasn’t very keen to watch the drama at first, because, to be honest, I was a little traumatized by orientalist depictions of Japan in the Western media. The Zhang Ziyi” film ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ is a perfect example! No offense to Zhang Ziyi. She did a great job. But the way they scattered Japanese words in the English script sounded very awkward to me. And her dance performance had literally nothing to do with the traditional Japanese dance! Though I was pleased “Shogun” at least starred Japanese actors in Japanese roles, Memoires of a Geisha’s shock was still in the back of my head. As a Japanese historian, my husband was skeptical about shogun, too. It was a positive surprise that we both ended up binge-watching!

I also loved how the series handled the culture shock the English sailor Anjin experiences with the Japanese. It must have been difficult not to fall into the classic myth of the “cruel Japanese”, like the aunt from “Bridget Jones's Diary” kept referring to. The thing is, the Japanese at the time WERE cruel! It was a fact. It was the Sengoku period, which literally means the country at war. Cutting people’s heads off was a not an unusual occurrence. And it was a norm for samurai to perform seppuku—committing suicide by cutting their stomach open, for the honour of their clan and themselves. So, what made the series both funny and sensible was its fairness. They made it clear that Anjin was barbaric from the Japanese people’s perspective, as much as the Japanese are to him. He literally gets called ‘banjin’ or’barbarian’. There were countless moments I felt bad for him! My favourite scene is when Anjin cooks some game, and others are obviously grossed” out by the ‘disgusting’ meal he’s produced, while trying to be polite to him. 

Most importantly, the longer you watch the series, the more you see each character’s individuality, rather than simplistic Japanese and non-Japanese dynamics. No one character is just good or bad. Toranaga is charismatic, but horridly manipulative.  Anjin is gruff and defiant, but his vulnerability makes him a likable character. 

My only tiny complaint about the cultural aspect of the show is about one bit of dialogue by Lady Mariko about the Japanese spirit. She tells Anjin, quote “Do not be fooled by our politeness. Our bows, our maze of rituals. Beneath it all, we could be a great distance away.”  Unquote. I wouldn’t say this cultural analysis is inaccurate. But to me, this sounds like what a Westerner would say about Japan, rather than a Japanese person speaking themselves. For example, Lafcadio Hearn, a Greek-Irish writer who introduced  Japanese literature to the West in the 1880s, is very likely to say such thing. Think about it- if the bows or rituals are the integrated part of your everyday-life, you wouldn’t even think about them. Still, this is really nitpicking though. Overall, ‘Shogun’ succeeded in creating a very realistic human drama, crossing the cultural bridge.

2. Depiction of female characters.

I mentioned earlier how each character is depicted as a complicated human being. The female characters are no exception! It’s sad to say this, but I believe this delicate portrayal of females is something distinguishes ‘Shogun’ from the typical Japanese period dramas. Realism in female characters is usually not the forte of Japanese drama. There are exceptions, of course, but typically, female characters fall under stereotypes such as ‘sweet girl’, ‘evil woman’, and ‘mother.’ I’ve heard both Japanese and non-Japanese friends in Japan say the same thing. 

In ‘Shogun’, in contrast, I loved how Lady Mariko is not only fierce, but also broken inside. I loved how Lady Fuji shows both her loyalty, friendship, and a tiny hint of jealousy to Lady Mariko. I adored Lady Ochiba for the cold fire of her hate towards Toranaga, and the affection towards her female friend. It was also great to see courtesans as humans, who are trying to thrive just like everybody else.

Now, there’ll be spoilers. If you haven’t watched the series, please come back later! 

Ok. I have to say, Anjin and Mariko have turned out to be one of my favourite fictional couples. It was another positive surprise- because when I first sensed the sexual tension between them, my immediate reaction was doubt. I thought ‘Argh, is this another Last Samurai? Do I have to see another clichéd hookup between a good-looking White man and an exotic Japanese lady?’ But no. They convinced me that the two are connected on the deep spiritual level. The process they get attracted to each other is exquisitely depicted. 

One quibble” I had: if I were the script writer , I wouldn’t have let them be intimate that soon. Their first night happens with initiation by Mariko sneaking into his chamber. Before that, she even has a long conversation with Anjin, while he is bathing in the woods. After she spends a night with him, she pretends that it was a courtesan who slept with him, not her. I found Mariko’s behaviour, given that she’s a proud aristocratic woman, flabbergasting, especially because it was right after her husband’s seeming death, even if we later find out there’s a complication here. According to ‘性と愛の戦国史’ or ‘History of Sexuality in the Sengoku period’ by Daimon Watanabe, it rings as truth that Japan was relatively relaxed about sex by the Western standards at the time. For example, a Portuguese priest reported that virginity was not as valued as it was in Europe, and that infanticide was normal in Japan. Still, I couldn’t find enough reason that a noble woman like Lady Mariko would throw herself at a so called ‘barbarian’; adultery, if uncovered, was punished with the death penalty back then.

I know that they absolved Mariko of wrongdoing on account of her husband being dead, as she saw it. I got the impression that they’re emphasizing how female characters are 'independent and sexually proactive'. This may be their attempt to contradict the stereotypes about Japanese women being submissive. I do appreciate this anti-cliché move, and the drama doesn’t have to be always historically accurate, The issue is, though, that this storyline feels out of place in this serious period drama. This isn’t Bridgerton! I also thought it would have been even more sensual if they spent more time together before becoming intimate. In this sense, the Netflix drama Outlander is a perfect example of depicting the nice build-up before intimacy, though that show is much more explicit.

Speaking of build-up, though—more spoilers—I loved the sequence where Anjin is forced by Lord Toranaga to go to the tea house, or a high-class brothel, accompanying Mariko as an interpreter. Mariko’s job is supposedly to interpret what the courtesan says to Anjin; by this point she’s already been intimate with Anjin, but now there’s some tension between them. The camera focuses on Mariko’s lips and neck as she translates the courtesan’s intensely sensuous words—making it look like she, Mariko, is saying them. As she leaves, Anjin’s fingertips lightly touch Mariko’s—no more. It perfectly conveys the deep chemistry between the two in this scene.

Most importantly, later, Anjin offers to be her second after Mariko decides to commit seppuku. This shows his depth of love for her – he knows that suicide will cast her to hell in Mariko’s Catholic faith, and wants to give her the comfort of being killed by him.  He even overcomes cultural barriers to understand Mariko’s 生き方, or way of living, no matter how hurtful it would be to him. This spiritual aspect of his love made the romance” seem truly profound.

What did you think? I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. It would be lovely if you share the episode on social media as well. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts about this drama from the contact form in the description. 

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!

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以下オーディオファイルよりお聴きください。Apple Podcasts  Spotifyからもお聞きいただけます。

X 引用リンク

渡邊 大門ー性と愛の戦国史

Wikipedia- Shōgun (2024 miniseries)

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このドラマの原作はイギリスの作家ジェームズ・クラベルの「将軍」という小説です。「将軍」は「異なる世界から来た2人の野心家の衝突」を描いた物語です。コスモ・ジャーヴィス演じるジョン・ブラックソーン、日本名、按針(あんじん)は勇敢なイギリス人の船乗りで、まったく見知らぬ土地、日本に難破してしまいます。もう一人の主人公は、真田広之が演じる虎長(とらなが)です。歴史上の人物、徳川家康をモデルにしています。沢井杏奈 演じる虎長の通訳、鞠子(まりこ)も重要な役どころです。彼女は身分が高くとても知的ですが、家族の不名誉な過去を背負っています。







特に重要なのは、ドラマを長く観ていけば観ていくほど、単純な「日本人と外国人」という対立構造ではなく、それぞれの人物の人間性が見えてくることです。「いい人」なだけ、「悪い人」なだけの登場人物がでてこないんですよね。虎長はカリスマ性がありますが、何とも食えないやつとして描かれます。 按針はぶっきらぼうな反逆児ですが、とても人間らしく好感の持てるキャラクターです。
















いかがでしたか?もし今回のエピソードを楽しんでいただけましたら、Apple PodcastSpotifyでこのポッドキャストのレビューを書いてくださると嬉しいです。ソーシャルメディアでこのエピソードをシェアしてくださると嬉しいです。もちろん、説明文にあるお問い合わせフォームから、このドラマについての感想を教えてくださるのも大歓迎です。



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