Saturday, September 7, 2024

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 19-We went to Sophie Ellis-Bextor Concert!' / アメリカ絵日記19 「Sophie Ellis-Bextorのコンサートに行ってきました」

   Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

 Hi all! This is Nisreen. 


The other day, I had the pleasure of attending a concert by British pop musician Sophie Ellis-Bextor, and it was my first time seeing her live!


Sophie is best known for her disco-inspired music and performances, especially her "Kitchen Disco" live streams during the COVID-19 lockdown, which brought joy to so many. Ive always enjoyed her music, as well as her podcast, where she interviews 'busy working women who happen to be mothers.'

 ソフィーは、ディスコ風の音楽とパフォーマンスでよく知られています。特にCOVID-19のロックダウン中に自宅から行った 「キッチン・ディスコ 」のライブストリームは、沢山の人を笑顔にしたと言われています。私は彼女の音楽だけでなく、「母親でもある忙しい働く女性たち」にインタビューする彼女のポッドキャストのファンです!

Like A Prayer - Sophie Ellis-Bextor (Live on Instagram)

She was even better live than I expected! What stood out most was her natural, down-to-earth stage presence. It was refreshing to see someone so charismatic completely own the stage, while still coming across as a fun, loving, and relatable person. The audience adored her, and the way everyone danced together felt so wholesome, unlike the intense or fanatical crowds Ive seen elsewhere.



It also made me realise that the soft, yet strong, leadership she displayed on stage is something Id love to bring to my own performances. Even though I dance belly dance on a MUCH smaller scale, her style of connecting with the audience is something I truly admire and aspire to.

As soon as I went back to my hotel room, I did this quick sketch of her.



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