Friday, December 13, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep8 How to Appreciate Belly dance- Sibel Baris /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード8 - ベリーダンスパフォーマンスの読み解き方- Sibel Baris

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the eighth episode of Season Two of my podcast!

Today, we’re going to have the third instalment in my "How to Appreciate Belly Dance" series. I’d like to share insights on how to better enjoy and appreciate belly dance performances by having a close look at the renowned Turkish dancer Sibel Baris.

Please find the episode below.
It's available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

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Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the eighth episode of Season Two of my podcast—lovely to speak to you again!

Today, we’re going to have the third instalment in my "How to Appreciate Belly Dance" series. I’d like to share insights on how to better enjoy and appreciate belly dance performances by having a close look at the renowned Turkish dancer Sibel Baris.

I’ve been teaching and performing belly dance for years now. For those unfamiliar with the term, belly dance is a Western name for dance forms that originate from Middle Eastern, North African, Hellenic, and Turkic cultures. In Arabic, it’s called Raqs Sharki, while in Turkish, it’s known as Oryantal Dans. I started this series to inspire more people—not just dancers—to appreciate the beauty and cultural significance of beautiful physical art.

Sibel Baris is an iconic figure in the world of Turkish oriental dance. She was active on television during the 1990s, and is celebrated for her captivating performances. While researching her career, I came across a Turkish article detailing how she struggled with the stigma surrounding oriental dance, which even strained her relationship with her daughter after her retirement.

As a result, I hesitated to focus on her performances, fearing it might feel disrespectful given the challenges she faced. However, her art deeply resonates, especially as it’s something beautiful standing in opposition to such stigma. That’s why I want to honour her work and celebrate her legacy in today’s episode.


1.       Iconic Floorwork
Sibel Baris showcases her incredible flexibility and musicality through her floorwork, epitomizing the essence of Turkish Oriental dance. One hallmark move is her pigeon pose, where she bends one heel toward her midriff. It’s astonishing to see her so at ease, while seamlessly embodying the music, even in such demanding positions. While floorwork is sometimes dismissed as vulgar or overly sexual, paying attention to how her movements harmonize with the music reveals that it’s truly about displaying her physical strength and profound connection to the rhythm.

2.       Flowy, Yet Posed Hand and Arm Movements
Baris’s hand movements are quintessentially Turkish Oriental in style. She often holds one palm upward, as though balancing a tray, while the other faces downward—reminiscent of figures in ancient Egyptian art. This aesthetic is more prominent in Turkish Oriental dance than in Arabic styles. Despite their distinctiveness, her hands never appear stiff or stagnant. They move fluidly and naturally, evoking central Asian folk dance traditions. Her other signature move, where she waves both index fingers together, often reflects the melodic sounds of flutes or violins, and is also unique to Turkish Oriental dance.

3.       Strong Pelvic and Abdominal Movements
During percussive moments, Baris’s dynamic hip movements shine, often incorporating a flipping motion of her pelvis reminiscent of Turkish Romani dance. What sets her apart is how her upper body remains relaxed and flowing even during these intense moments, contrasting with the modern trend of rigid isolation that has become dominant in international belly dance over the past few decades. Her power is also evident in softer movements; when she undulates her belly to melodic instrumentation, it expresses the rich emotional depth of the music.

4.       Graceful Expressions
In belly dance, personality plays a crucial role, and Sibel Baris embodies grace in every aspect of her performance. Her costumes, adorned with luxurious fringes and jewels, always complemented her elegance. Her calm, composed smile became a defining feature of her stage presence. Maintaining such relaxed yet dignified expressions on stage, despite the challenges of live performance, is no small feat. I also respect her habit of subtly covering her chest area when bending backward, ensuring she was free from wardrobe mishaps. These thoughtful details highlight her intention to present belly dance as an art form—sensual, yet tasteful. When I perform, I strive to emulate her grace and confidence, while staying true to my own style.

I hope you enjoyed this episode and found these insights helpful in appreciating Sibel Baris’s iconic performances even more!

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to write a review of this podcast or reach out via the contact form in the description.

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!


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今回はトルコの有名なダンサー、Sibel Barisに焦点を当てていきたいと思います。

Apple Podcasts とSpotifyYouTubeからもお楽しみいただけます。

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今回はトルコの有名なダンサー、Sibel Barisに焦点を当てていきたいと思います。


私はもう何年もベリーダンスを教えパフォーマンスもしてきました。ベリーダンスというのは、中東や北アフリカ、ギリシャ、トルコ文化圏を起源とするダンスを指す西洋の呼称です。アラビア語ではRaqs Sharkiと呼ばれ、トルコ語ではOryantal Danceと呼ばれます。



今回取り上げるSibel Barisはトルコのオリエンタルダンス界を代表する人物の一人です。彼女は主に1990年代にテレビで活躍し、その魅惑的なパフォーマンスで記憶されています。





1.       象徴的なフロアワーク

Sibel Barisは、ターキッシュ・オリエンタルダンスの真髄を体現する驚異的なフロアワークつまり床に座って行う技で知られます。特徴的な動きのひとつは、ヨガの「鳩のポーズ」のような姿勢で座り、片方のかかとをみぞおちの方に曲げるという技です。



2.       流れるような、しかし装飾的な手と腕の動き





3.       力強い骨盤と腹部の動き




4.      優雅な表現





今日のエピソードはいかがでしたか?ここまで聴いていただき、本当にありがとうございます。素晴らしいアーティスト、Sibel Barisのパフォーマンスをより楽しんでいただくきっかけになればうれしいです。



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