Friday, December 6, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Episode 7 - Waack Girls: A Dancer’s Perspective /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード7 - Waack Girls: ダンサー目線でレビュー

     Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the seventh episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again.

Today, I want to talk about an amazing drama that just premiered on Amazon Prime: Waack Girls! written and directed by Sooni Taraporevala – who you may know from the fantastic Yeh Ballet, I couldn’t contain my excitement when I saw the trailer. Naturally, I binge-watched the series as soon as it dropped, and I have to say, it’s utterly magnetic.

Without giving away any spoilers, I’ll share four key reasons why this series captivated me—and why you should give it a watch.

You can find the episode below.

It's available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify as well.

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Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the seventh episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again.

Today, I want to talk about an amazing drama that just premiered on Amazon Prime: Waack Girls!, written and directed by Sooni Taraporevala – who you may know from the fantastic Yeh Ballet, I couldn’t contain my excitement when I saw the trailer. Naturally, I binge-watched the series as soon as it dropped, and I have to say, it’s utterly magnetic.

The story centres on six young women in Kolkata who form a dance group. As a dancer myself, albeit in a different genre, I was deeply moved by how authentically the series portrays the world of dance. Without giving away any spoilers, I’ll share four key reasons why this series captivated me—and why you should give it a watch.


1: A Heroine Who’s the Real Deal

Let me start with Mekhola Bose—the leading actress, and an actual professional Waack dancer. She’s been performing internationally for over a decade and previously appeared in Yeh Ballet. While she had a supporting role in that film, in Waack Girls, she absolutely shines as Ishani, the heroine.

Casting a trained dancer like Mekhola, rather than an actor who can dance, adds a level of credibility to the character. Her stage presence is magnetic—she rules the dance floor with power and grace-- but it’s her moments of vulnerability and her infectious smile that truly steal the show.

Her chemistry with Achintya Bose, who plays her best friend, and is also a fantastic dancer, makes their scenes together unforgettable. It’s also a treat to see Achintya again, having seen him previously starring in Yeh Ballet as well!


2: Respect for LGBTQ+ History

What sets Waack Girls apart is its genuine respect for the roots of Waacking. There are multiple scenes where Ishani explains how this dance style originated in the 1970s as a form of self-expression and rebellion by LGBTQ+ communities in the U.S.

This history is woven seamlessly into the story, especially through the character of Lopa, played brilliantly by Rytasha Rathore. Lopa is an openly gay, masculine-presenting woman who faces daily prejudice and challenges, yet remains unapologetically herself. Her resilience mirrors the essence of Waacking as a dance of empowerment.

While some might argue that her portrayal leans on stereotypes, I found Lopa to be realistic and relatable—her humanity shines through every scene. Ishani’s journey also resonates with the themes of Waacking, as she uses dance to claim her place in the world.


3: The Realities of an Artist’s Journey

Art isn’t always appreciated, and Waack Girls portrays this truth with refreshing honesty. In the series, the girls encounter audiences outside the Waack community who fail to connect with their performances, no matter how talented they are.

This nuanced depiction of an artist’s journey distinguishes Waack Girls from many dance films, which often equate audience applause with technical skill solely. In reality, for art to resonate, audiences often need a certain level of familiarity or cultural understanding of what they’re watching.

The characters’ struggles to capture a broader audience’s attention bring a realistic dimension to this otherwise dreamy and inspirational story. It’s a subtle, but powerful, reminder that art is as much about connection as it is about expression.


4: Genuine Friendships

At its core, Waack Girls celebrates the power of friendships—especially among women. It was particularly touching to see how Ishani helps a young gymnast to recover her self-esteem and express herself through  Waacking. The diversity among the female characters feels natural and unforced, which isn’t always the case in similar stories.

For instance, while the Tamil film Bigil emphasized women’s empowerment, its characters sometimes felt tokenistic. In contrast, the women in Waack Girls feel like real people navigating the challenges of everyday life.

The series also shows that genuine friendships aren’t limited to women. Ishani’s close bond with her quirky grandfather and her platonic friendship with her best friend are heartwarming highlights.


Final Thoughts

Overall, Waack Girls is a heartfelt celebration of dancers, women, and anyone else who dares to express themselves fully in a world that often stifles creativity. The love and appreciation for the art of dance shine through every scene, and I can’t wait for the next season!

So, what did you think of today’s episode? If you enjoyed it, I’d love to hear your thoughts—feel free to share them on social media or through the contact form in the description. And if you have a moment, leaving a review would mean the world to me!

Thank you so much for listening, and I’ll see you next time!

  X Related Links

Amazon Prime Waack Girls

Waack Girls (IMDB)

 Waack Girls Interview: Soni, Rytasha And Mikhola On Female Friendships, Dance

 Sooni Taraporevala, Mekhola Bose & Rytasha Rathore on ‘Waack Girls’, dance, and dealing with trolls

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Belly Dance Website

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今日は、アマゾン・プライムで公開されたばかりの素晴らしいドラマについてお話したいと思います。 Sooni Taraporevalaが脚本と監督を手がけた『Waack Girls! 』という作品です。日本では『踊る!ワックガールズ』という題名がついています。予告編を見てから、私は本当に公開を楽しみにしていました。大好きな映画『Yeh Ballet』と同じ監督の作品だったからです。予想通り、配信が始まると夢中になって一気に観てしまいました。


Apple Podcasts とSpotifyでもお楽しみいただけます。



今日は、アマゾン・プライムで公開されたばかりの素晴らしいドラマについてお話したいと思います。 Sooni Taraporevalaが脚本と監督を手がけた『Waack Girls! 』という作品です。日本では『踊る!ワックガールズ』という題名がついています。予告編を見てから、私は本当に公開を楽しみにしていました。大好きな映画『Yeh Ballet』と同じ監督の作品だったからです。予想通り、配信が始まると夢中になって一気に観てしまいました。




何といっても、目玉は主演女優で、実際にプロのワック・ダンサーであるMekhola Boseです。彼女は10年以上国際的にダンサーとして活動しており、監督の前作『YehBallet』にも出演していました。その時は脇役ながら注目していましたので、『Waack Girls』でヒロインのIshani役で輝いているのを見て本当に嬉しかったです。



彼女の親友役で、以前『Yeh Ballet』に出演していた同じく素晴らしいダンサーAchintya Boseとの共演場面があるのも、監督ファンには嬉しいプレゼントでした。


2: LGBTQ+の歴史への敬意


Rytasha Rathore演じるLopaが、Ishaniの才能の最初の理解者になることも、この歴史的文脈とかみ合うように描かれています。





3: アーティストの生きる現実

アートが常に評価されるとは限らない。Waack Girlsは、この真実を正直に映し出す珍しい作品です。どんなに才能があっても、Waackコミュニティの外では理解されない、評価されないという場面が何度か出てきます。




4: 本物の友情

Waack Girls』の核心は、友情の力、特に女性同士の友情への賛美です。特に、Ishaniが年下の体操選手が自尊心を取り戻し、Waackingを通じて自分を表現するのを助ける様子は心に響きました。女性登場人物たちの個性はかなり多様ですが、とても自然に感じます。これはなかなか珍しいことではないでしょうか。


これとは対照的に、Waack Girls』の女性たちは、日々隣に生きている普通の女性たちのように感じられます。




全体として、『Waack Girls』は、息苦しい世の中で一生懸命生きているダンサー、女性、そして自分らしくいようとするすべての人たちを心から祝福する作品になっています。ダンスというアートへの愛と敬意がすべての場面に表現されているところが本当に良いなと思いました。次のシーズンが待ちきれないです!





  X 関連リンク

Amazon Prime Waack Girls

Waack Girls (IMDB)

 Waack Girls Interview: Soni, Rytasha And Mikhola On Female Friendships, Dance

 Sooni Taraporevala, Mekhola Bose & Rytasha Rathore on ‘Waack Girls’, dance, and dealing

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