Friday, June 28, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.13 How to Appreciate Belly dance Performance.2 -Samia Gamal- /ポッドキャスト Ep.13 ベリーダンスパフォーマンスの読み解き方・2 -Samia Gamal-

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the 13th episode of my podcast!  

Today, I’d love to focus on my favourite performing art form again: belly dancing. Last time  I talked about this theme, I introduced a Turkish belly dancer called Tulay Karaca. This time, I’ll feature another iconic dancer and actress, Samia Gamal, one of my first dance idols. 

 Please find the audio file and  the related videos below. The full script is also uploaded on this blog post. the episode is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify as well. You're more than welcome to let me know your thoughts on social media or the contact form linked below.

-Related videos-

Samia Gamal Belly Dance from the movie "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" (1954)

Gamal dancing with the veil

Samia Gamal in Zanouba (1956)

3:18 The iconic shoulder shimmy

Samia Gamal in Al Rajul el Thani -Golden Era Belly Dance

4:14 The leaning step

سافر مع السلامة - فريد الأطرش - سامية جمال HD Safer Ma Salama - Farid El Atrache & Samia Gamal

6:2 stepping back

Afreta Hanem Movie | فيلم عفريته هانم

Samia Gamal as a little devil


Remembering Samia Gamal: Egypt’s iconic belly dancer

Samia Gamal’s Legacy Still Inspires Oriental Dancers All Over The World

Samia Gamal – Star of Egyptian Cinema


Hello, this is Nisreen! Welcome to the 13th episode of my podcast!  It’s lovely to speak to you again. 

Today, I’d love to focus on my favourite performing art form again: belly dancing. I ‘ve been teaching and performing belly dance for years now. The term Belly dance is a western one for dance forms that originate in Middle Eastern, North African, Hellenic & Turkic countries. In Arabic, Belly dance is called Raqs Sharki. In Turkish, it’s known as Oryantal Dans or Oyun Havasi.  In the second episode of this podcast, I talked about a Turkish belly dancer called Tulay Karaca. This time, I’ll feature another iconic dancer and actress, Samia Gamal, one of my first dance idols. When I first watched her dance with a beautiful sheer veil in a film, I was totally mesmerised by her ethereal presence. I didn’t have much knowledge about the dance form back them, but I could immediately tell she was a unique artist. 

So, who is Samia Gamal?  Samia Gamal was born in upper Egypt 1924. As a teenager, she began her dance career as an extra member of the dance troupe under Badia Masabni, the best-known entertainer of the times. She then found her way into the film industry as many other famous belly dancers did at the time. She was active in the cinema industry as a dancer and an actress from the 1940s to the early 1970s. This time period was called the Golden Era of Egyptian belly dance. In this episode, I’d love to focus on five elements that make her particularly distinguishable as a performer. I will also share her videos on my blog. I hope you enjoy it!

1: Lively shoulder and hand movement

When I think of Samia Gamal, I always think of her shrugging her shoulders a little bit and shaking her shoulders in a playful way.  The shoulder movement and continuous hand waving are Samia Gamal’s signature moves. Once you see them, you won’t forget them, because they’re so charming! If you compare her to other stars from the same era in Egypt, such as Naima Akef, Tahia Carioca, and Nawabeya Mustafa, you will notice how Samia Gamal’s upper body movement stands out with its fluidity and liveliness.  Other dancers from the same time period tended to emphasise their hip work more, while using their hands to frame their hips. I believe the Hollywood actor Rita Hayworth referred to Gamal’s flowy hand movements prior to her belly dance-inspired performance in the film Salome in 1953. No offense to the beautiful Hayworth, but seeing her rather awkward belly dance taught me how skilful as a dancer Gamal was. She just made it look easy!

2: Artistic self-presentation

Samia Gamal often showed up on screen with veils, either attached to her sleeves, or as a separate piece of fabric. By today’s standards, she may not appear to do flashy techniques with the veils. However, the way she used sheer piece of fabric to accentuate her motions was iconic. Behind or in front of the veils, she looked like a fairy princess. The same goes for her way of handling her flared chiffon skirts. She intentionally created beautiful shapes and movement in her costume as she stepped. Some pointed out the influence of her training in western dance forms such as Ballet and Ballroom Dance. Her presentation skills with the costumes and props also made her shine on screen.

3: Earthy and characteristic hip work

Gamal’s dance style is often described as fluid and lifted. However, it doesn’t mean that she didn’t have the earthy trait which is common in many Egyptian dancers. If you look at her lower body movement closely, you will notice how she’s following the down beat of the music most of the time, rather than the melodies. She often steps back diagonally on the beat, layering hip techniques on top of the steps. This may be the general characteristic of the time; her hip work was fluid and hit the accents when really needed. This relaxed approach may come across quite differently to the intricate and precise hip work which became one of the main attractions in modern belly dance performances after the 1990s.

4:  Iconic ‘traveling & leaning’

Samia Gamal also often travels across the floor, with the step called ‘Arabesque.’ It’s a little backwards kicking movement, very different from the Arabesque in Ballet.  There are also cases in which she just drags the last step a little bit- with the quick-quick-slow rhythm.  And sometimes, she leans slightly forwards as she slows down. This adds not only a coquettishness, but also dynamic, spontaneous feel to the traveling steps. In fact, I see similar ‘leaning’ in the dancers from younger generations such as Dina. I wonder if she was inspired by Gamal.

5: Expression of sensuality

Most of the video footages of her dancing we can access today are from films. So of course, she acts while dancing, too! She conveys sorrow, joy, defiance, and sensuality very naturally with her face. I am aware that there is a trend in the international belly dance community today to idealise the Golden Era dancers like Gamal as quote ‘demure and classy unlike those vulgar sexual dancers today’ unquote. But if we pay attention to the plot of the films, we will notice that those actresses were also presented as sex symbols in most cases, even though the expression of sexuality may be quite subtle to the modern audience’s eyes. For example, in the films such as ‘Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves`’ from 1942, and ‘Little Miss Devil’  from  1949, Gamal’s role is mostly about seduction and flirtation. Her dance is presented as part of the seduction. We also need to consider that the social status of the dancers in  Egyptian society was, and remains, low, no matter how famous they are. For example, she had an 11-year relationship with the singer and composer Farid El Atrache who never married her. According to some, this is because he was from a Syrian Royal family and he could not defile his family by marrying a mere dancer. Though of course we never know what was going on with their relationship, I think it’s worth paying attention to that being a dancer could be a deal breaker. It makes me realise how courageous she was to express her sensuality through her dancing so openly and beautifully despite the social pressure.

What did you think?  I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on Apple Podcasts or rating on Spotify. It would be lovely if you share the episode on social media as well. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts from the contact form in the description. Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now! 

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 Apple Podcasts とSpotifyからもお楽しみいただけます。また下記にスクリプトと、ビデオも載せております。感想などありましたら是非ソーシャルメディアや、連絡フォームから教えてください。


Samia Gamal Belly Dance from the movie "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" (1954)


Samia Gamal & Farid El Atrache -1952 - Full HD 🎧 Remastered by FaridHQ سامية جمال - فريد الاطرش

1:14 特徴的ショルダーシミー

Samia Gamal in Al Rajul el Thani -Golden Era Belly Dance

4:14 身を乗り出すステップ

سافر مع السلامة - فريد الأطرش - سامية جمال HD Safer Ma Salama - Farid El Atrache & Samia Gamal


Afreta Hanem Movie | فيلم عفريته هانم



Remembering Samia Gamal: Egypt’s iconic belly dancer

Samia Gamal’s Legacy Still Inspires Oriental Dancers All Over The World

Samia Gamal – Star of Egyptian Cinema


こんにちは、ニスリーンです!私のポッドキャスト第13回目のエピソードへようこそ! またお耳にかかれて嬉しいです。

今日は、私の大好きな舞踊、ベリーダンスに焦点を当てたいと思います。私は何年もの間ベリーダンスを教え、パフォーマンスをしてきました。ベリーダンスという言葉は、中東、北アフリカ、ギリシャ、トルコなどで生まれたダンスを指す西洋の言葉です。アラビア語では、ベリーダンスはRaqs Sharkiと呼ばれています。トルコ語では、Oryantal DansまたはOyun Havasiと言います。 このポッドキャストの2回目のエピソードでは、トゥライ・カラジャというトルコのベリーダンサーについてお話をしました。今回は、もう一人の伝説的なダンサーであり女優でもあるサミア・ガマルについてお話したいと思います。彼女は私が初めて憧れたダンサーの一人です。映画で彼女が透き通るヴェールをまとって踊るのを初めて見たとき、その夢のような存在感にすっかり魅了されました。当時はダンスについてあまり知識がありませんでしたが、彼女が特別な才能の持ち主であることはすぐにわかりました。 

では、サミア・ガマルとは どんな人物なのでしょうか?サミア・ガマルは1924年、上(かみ)エジプトに生まれました。10代の頃、当時最も有名なエンターテイナーであったバディア・マサビニのもとで、舞踊団のエキストラとしてダンスの仕事を始めたそうです。その後、当時の多くのほかの有名なベリーダンサーがそうであったように、彼女は映画の世界に進出します。その後1940年代から1970年代初頭まで、ダンサーとして、また女優として映画界で活躍しました。この時代はエジプトのベリーダンスの黄金時代と呼ばれています。今回は、彼女を特別なパフォーマーにした5つの要素に焦点を当てたいと思います。また、私のブログ記事には彼女のダンスビデオを載せていますので、是非ご覧ください。 


サミア・ガマルを思い浮かべるとき、私はいつも、ちょっと肩をすくめて、いたずらっぽく肩を揺らしている姿を思い浮かべます。 この肩の動きと絶え間なく手を波打たせる動きは、サミア・ガマルの特徴的な動きです。1度彼女の踊りを見たら、この可愛らしい動きの印象はずっと残ると思います。エジプトで同時代に活躍した他のスター、例えばナイマ・アケフ、タヒア・カリオカ、ナワビーヤ・ムスタファと比較すると、サミア・ガマルの上半身の流れるように活き活きとした動きは特に目立ちます。 同時代の他のダンサーは、上体よりも腰の動きをより強調し、手は腰を目立たせるための額縁のように使う傾向がありました。なお、ハリウッド女優のリタ・ヘイワースは、1953年に映画『サロメ』でベリーダンス風のパフォーマンスを披露していますが、彼女はサミア・ガマルの流れるような手の動きを参考にしていたのではないかと思います。女優が専門のヘイワースをプロのベリーダンサーと比べるのも酷ですが、彼女の肩に力の入ったベリーダンスを見ると、サミア・ガマルがダンサーとしていかに凄いかがさらによくわかってしまいます。一見、楽に踊っているように見えるのですが、それこそが技術の証明と言えるでしょう。 

2: 美しい布さばき





サミア・ガマルはまた、「アラベスク」と呼ばれるステップを使うことが多いです。これは後ろ向きに小さく床を蹴りあげる動きで、バレエのアラベスクとはまったく違うものです。 また、クイック・クイック・スローのリズムで、最後のステップを少しだけ引きずるように時間をかける場合もあります。この時、前に身を乗り出しているようなしぐさを見せることもあります。これは、いたずらっぽい可愛らしさだけでなく、緩急と、のびのびとした感じをトラベリングステップに加えています。ディーナのようなより後の世代のダンサーもこれと似た動きをしていることがあり、サミア・ガマルの影響かなあと思うことがあります。 

5: 官能性の表現


いかがでしたか?ここまできいていただきまして、本当にありがとうございます。もしこのエピソードを楽しんでいただけましたら、Apple Podcastsでレビューを書いていただけると大変励みになります。もちろん、説明文にあるコンタクトフォームやソーシャルメディアからこの話題についてのお考えを教えていただけるのも大歓迎です。それではまた来週、お耳にかかれますこと、楽しみにしております。

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