Sunday, June 2, 2024

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 16- The Art Fair in My Heart / アメリカ絵日記16 アートフェアの思い出

 Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

 Hi all! This is Nisreen. 


The other day, I visited a lovely art fair in town with a friend! It was a perfect day for enjoying art outside. The diverse artworks, from jewelry to paintings, were a treat to see!


I regret that I can't cover everyone who showed their work, but please let me introduce the artists who particularly caught my attention.


X Paintings / graphics


 Justin Sato

His large paintings have the unique power to attract people. I'd just stare at them for hours if I could.


Lou Zale

I loved humour and surrealism in her works. My favourite is two pears cuddling with each other.


Critt Hunter

His portrayal of flowers  light up the room. They’re very radiant and full of life.


Michael Janosky

His paintings had a serene and genuine atmosphere. They conveyed the soothing atmosphere of nature.


Valerie Bielski

Her abstract pieces were vibrant and had interesting textures. I enjoyed their warm vibes.


Kwang Cha

Her paintings were breathtakingly intricate and lively. The thick layers of paint create a magical effect.


X Pottery /glasswork 


Anthony Majewski

He has a vast range in styles! I fell in love with a pottery mug with beautiful splattered patterns. I couldn't resist the urge to take it home!


Berry Davis & Collette Fortin (Neptune Hot Glass)

Their glass art looks like a reflection of beautiful ocean. I was totally mesmerised.


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[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello Nisreen, how are you? It looks like spring is finally around the corner! On Saturday March ...