Monday, September 4, 2023

[Bilingual post] 5 Book recommendations /今お勧めの本5冊

Hi to all, This is Nisreen. こんにちは、Nisreenです。

Let me talk a little bit about books! Some of you may know that I love reading.

It’s hard to choose, but today I'll only write about 5 books.

I'd recommend this endearing book to both teenagers and adults, especially to those who're suffering from the sense of alienation. 

Itis a heart-warming and bittersweet fantasy novel about a lonely immigrant girl DuNasu and equally lonesome supernatural creatures called "slix" that would protect the house they reside in. Something about the slixes reminded me of Doraemon, because he also emerges out of the blue and becomes the guardian and the best friend of the helpless boy Nobita ! DuNasu in "The Slixes" is quite fierce and gifted though, unlike Nobita. 

The characters are all relatable and lovable. I bet you'll grow affectionate towards them as you continue reading and be sad to finish reading.




This is a beautifully written short story about love, wars, survival and death. 
The story is set in a fictional country, but the political situation and commentaries in there reminded me of actual historical events. 
If you're looking for a vivid short story that makes you think and lets your imagination fly, this one is for you.


This is a delicately crafted story that spans multiple timelines and multiple places. However, the primary theme is the 1974 Greek and Turkish conflict and its aftermath. The writing style is easy to read even for a non-native English reader like me, but it's not a light read. The story is rooted in the historical wounds that never completely heal, as the fig tree in the story is.
Yet the emotional growth of Daphne adds hopeful tone to the book.

これは、複数の時間軸と複数の場所にまたがって展開する物語です。しかし、主要なテーマは1974年のギリシャとトルコの紛争とその余波だと思います。文体は私のような英語を母国語としない読者にも読みやすいのですが、決して軽い読み物ではありません。 物語全体が、物語の中のイチジクの木がそうであるように、決して完全に癒えることのない歴史的な傷に根ざしています。

This novel has two heroines, an Indian American journalist Smita and Meena—a Hindu Indian woman attacked by members of her own village for marrying a Muslim man.- 
It is the type of book you can never put down until you finish reading. 
The author tells the stories about the disturbing social issues and romantic stories around two completely different women with great sensitivity and the powerful storytelling techniques.

 Sunetra Gupta / A Sin of Color

This is a family tale across three generations and three countries (India, US and UK.)If you are looking for a book with clear-cut conclusions and resolutions, you might find this book unbearable.. The story is ultimately about obsessions and the consequences of them, which deeply resonated with me.
There is something truly serene and soothing about her writing, even though the storyline is pretty melodramatic.


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