Wednesday, September 20, 2023

[Bilingual post] The Manga I Could Not Let Go /どうしても手放せなかった漫画


Hi all, this is Nisreen!


The other day, we finally had some bookshelves arrive at our home. We reunited the books we brought all the way across the ocean from Japan to the United States, finally taking them out of the cardboard boxes.



In fact, in coming to the US, I had to give up 90 per cent of my books. -It brought me to tears. This is because shipping costs from Japan to the US have become ridiculously high, especially after Covid hit. Among the books, multi-volume manga sets are particularly expensive to ship. After consideration, I let go of all my manga except two artistic works that I wanted to contemplate again and again, These had only a few volumes. Let me talk about the two masterpieces here.


The first is Yukari Ichijo's ‘The Sand Castle’


The manga, serialised from 1977, tells a tragic love story set in France. I came across it in a second-hand bookshop when I was a teenager and read it with tears in my eyes.


The flow of hair drawn with fine, delicate lines and the languid expressions are truly mesmerising.


Next is Hagio Moto's ‘The Heart of Thomas.’ I have both the Japanese and English versions.


This manga was serialised from 1974. I came across this one in the library when I was in college, and was deeply touched by it. It is set in Germany and delicately depicts the emotional growth of a group of boys.


The art style is incredibly expressive, you can even feel the air - the cold winter air and the warmth of the spring sunshine - though the drawings, even though they are black and white.


There is a Beardsleyesque feel to the art at times, and there is a fresh beauty to them even today.



Both are from the 1970s. It was the golden age of shoujo manga in Japan.

The two stories are completely different, but I believe the poetic monologues, the romantic, hand-drawing style, and the way they depict an idealised Europe are common elements of the two works.


If you have not read them, I urge you to do so.


Note: There are some aspects of The Sand Castle in particular that are inappropriate in the light of current ethical standards. The relationship between an underage boy and an older woman who is his previous guardian would now be called sexual abuse, not romance.

If you take that out of the equation, it's a great piece of art and a great story.


When I paint, I sometimes see an influence lurking from these works.


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King Of Popは温故知新。


中東(Middle East)or アフリカに関するおすすめの本(①問題提起的作品篇)




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