Monday, September 4, 2023

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 2 -Mosey-/ アメリカ絵日記2 Mosey

 こんにちは、Nisreenです。Hi to all, This is Nisreen.

We had the last Mosey this year on 2nd September. Mosey is a street festival that takes place once a month from May to September each year.

私はベリーダンスのグループTroupe Oasisの一員として、米国に引っ越してきて初めてのMosey体験で、5月と8月以外の回、合計3回出演しました!
I participated as a part of the belly dance group Troupe Oasis and this was my first Mosey experience since moving to the US. I performed each time except May and August!

I had performed in various places in Tokyo, such as restaurants and halls, but this was actually my first experience of performing outdoors.

With the help of Deborah, the director, and all the kind members of the team, I enjoyed every moment of Mosey.

I performed to 8-10 songs each time, including solo and group numbers, so changing was quite a work!

I know changing wasn't an obligation, but I changed plenty anyway for the desire to look different every time and to match the music. 

The highlight of the whole festival was this little boy who approached me during the performance and excitedly waved hands at me.

The image below is my pict-journal about pieces of my memories about Mosey.

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[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 21- INBC Annual Bazaar Success! / アメリカ絵日記21「大成功INBC Bazaar」

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