Friday, March 7, 2025

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep18 – Three Pieces of Art to Explore During Women’s History Month /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep18 – 女性史月間によせて-女性アーティスト作品3作

 Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 18th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.

In the US, and many other countries, March is a time to celebrate women’s achievements. In today’s episode, I’d like to introduce three works of art by female creators that you can explore during Women’s History Month—two films, and one painting. I hope you enjoy it!

The thumbnail of this episode is my drawing of Shiori Itō in the film.

Please find the episode below.

This podcast is available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

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Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 18th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.

In the US, and many other countries, March is a time to celebrate women’s achievements. In today’s episode, I’d like to introduce three works of art by female creators that you can explore during Women’s History Month—two films, and one painting. I hope you enjoy it!

1. Black Box Diaries (2024)

Black Box Diaries is an Oscar-nominated documentary film produced and directed by Shiori Itō, a leading figure in Japan’s MeToo movement. The film chronicles her investigation into her own sexual assault, which occurred in Japan in 2014. Itō also published a memoir  with the same title in 2021. The thumbnail of this episode is my drawing of Shiori Itō in the film.

As Itō herself has stated, this documentary is unique, because it tells the story of sexual assault from the survivor’s perspective, whereas most films on this subject are framed from a third-party viewpoint. Yes, the film is deeply personal and gut-wrenching, delving into the psychological pain and darkness she endured in an unfiltered way. Some might argue it lacks objectivity, but it exposes the flaws in Japan’s legal system regarding sexual crimes, and highlights Itō’s significant role in legal reform.

For example, in 2023, Japan passed landmark laws, redefining rape from “forcible sexual intercourse” to “non-consensual sexual intercourse” and raised the age of consent from 13 to 16.

The power of her memoir, which reveals the profound connection between the personal and the political, reminded me of female artists such as Tracey Emin and Frida Kahlo.

Remarkably, the film has been screened in over 50 countries worldwide, but not in Japan. There has been controversy regarding the alleged lack of consent to share security camera footage, and recorded and filmed conversations with some individuals appearing in the film, but it remains unclear whether this is the main reason it has not been shown. Personally, I hope Black Box Diaries will be released in Japan, as it is an important film that seeks to break the silence surrounding sexual violence, a silence that has oppressed victims for centuries.


2. Bombay Rose (2019)

Bombay Rose is an Indian animated film written, illustrated, and directed by Gitanjali Rao. The story follows a young woman struggling to make a living by selling flowers on the streets, and the poor young man who falls in love with her. The film premiered at the 2019 Venice Film Festival, and later received critical acclaim upon its release on Netflix. Rao has mentioned that she spent six years creating the film.

The most striking aspect of Bombay Rose is its artwork. I was mesmerised by its magnificent use of colour, seamlessly merging the bustling scenery of Mumbai with romantic dreamscapes reminiscent of classic Indian cinema. While the story is a fairly traditional melodrama structurally, its simplicity highlights the richness and beauty of the art. Rao has expressed that she wanted to pay tribute to those who seek personal freedom in restrictive environments. All the characters in this story are, indeed, held back by circumstances, such as poverty, families, and sexual exploitation. 

Additionally, the religious backgrounds of the two protagonists create obstacles for them, reinforcing a deep longing for love, free from societal constraints. In Bombay Rose, cinema becomes an imaginative space where reality is transcended, reminding us that imagination itself can be a form of freedom.

3. La danse (1919)

The final piece is a painting by French artist Marie Laurencin, created in 1919. La Danse features four elegantly dressed women, and a poodle, at a dance party. The colour palette is subdued, primarily featuring ballerina pink and grey. The most striking element is the central woman’s pink dress, which forms a crescent shape cutting through the middle of the painting. This, along with the embracing woman in grey, creates a rhythmic harmony within the composition, complemented by soothing blue accents in the background, and stylised curtains.

Laurencin is known as one of the few female Cubist painters in history. While her work reflects the influence of artists like Pablo Picasso, she developed a unique approach to abstraction, often focusing on fantastical female figures, and pastel colours. Compared to other Cubist painters of the same era, her style is truly distinctive. She is also known for her relationships with both men and women, and in a letter from 1906, she openly expressed her “preference for women.”

When I look at her work, I clearly see her genuine joy in celebrating grace and femininity. Her faith in her own style and aesthetic sense is truly inspiring to me, especially because I am dubious about that “strong women” are strong because of their harshness or fierceness. One can express oneself in a soft, demure, sweet way, and still yet can be strong.

Interestingly, her work was underappreciated by critics until the late 20th century, when it was re-evaluated within the context of feminist art. To me, Laurencin’s unwavering dedication to her own style is a powerful reminder to stay true to one’s artistic vision.



In today’s episode, I introduced three works by female artists: Black Box Diaries, Bombay Rose, and La Danse.

Each of these pieces is unique in its medium and style, yet they all serve as profound expressions of women’s voices through art.

How did you find today’s episode? I hope you enjoyed it! I’d love to hear your thoughts—please consider leaving a review or comment.

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!


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1. Black Box Diaries (2024)








2. Bombay Rose (2019)







3. La danse (1919)

最後の作品は、フランスの画家マリー・ローランサンが1919年に描いた絵画です。『La Danse』には、ダンスパーティーで優雅に着飾った4人の女性とプードルが描かれています。全体に淡く、くすんだ色調で、特に桜色と鼠色が目立ちます。



同時代の他のキュビスムの画家と比べても、彼女の作風は非常に独特です。また、男性とも女性とも恋愛していたことでも知られており、1906年の手紙では、「女性のほうが好き 」ということを宣言しています。

彼女の作品を見ると、優雅さと女性らしさを讃えることに純粋な喜びを感じているのがよくわかります。特に私は、「強い女性 」像は厳しくきつく見えなければならないというよくある考えに懐疑的なので、彼女の独特な美的感覚に共鳴します。



今日のエピソードでは、3人の女性アーティストの作品を紹介しました。「 Black Box Diaries」、「Bombay Rose」、「La Danse」の3作です。







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