
Showing posts from September, 2024

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 19-We went to Sophie Ellis-Bextor Concert!' / アメリカ絵日記19 「Sophie Ellis-Bextorのコンサートに行ってきました」

     Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載  Hi all! This is Nisreen.   皆さん、こんにちは!ニスリーンです。 The other day, I had the pleasure of attending a concert by British pop musician Sophie Ellis-Bextor, and it was my first time seeing her live!   先日、英国人ポップ歌手であるソフィー・エリス=ベクスターのコンサートに出かける機会に恵まれました Sophie is best known for her disco-inspired music and performances, especially her "Kitchen Disco" live streams during the COVID-19 lockdown, which brought joy to so many. I ’ ve always enjoyed her music, as well as her podcast , where she interviews 'busy working women who happen to be mothers.'   ソフィーは、ディスコ風の音楽とパフォーマンスでよく知られています。特にCOVID-19のロックダウン中に自宅から行った 「キッチン・ディスコ 」のライブストリームは、沢山の人を笑顔にしたと言われています。私は彼女の音楽だけでなく、「母親でもある忙しい働く女性たち」にインタビューする 彼女のポッドキャスト のファンです! Like A Prayer - Sophie Ellis-Bextor (Live on Instagram) She was even better live than I expected! What stood out most was her natural, down-to-earth stage presence. It was refreshing to see someone so charismatic completely own the stage

[Bilingual post] My Dance Journey ダンスの旅

         Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 To be honest, there have been times when I questioned whether performing is really worth all the time, energy, and financial investment. It might have been a 'big city' thing -- in a place like Tokyo, it often feels like you're expected to have a cut-throat attitude, and compete constantly, which doesn't feel rewarding to me. But now that I’ve relocated to a smaller town in the States, I’ve rediscovered what performing arts, or any art form, truly means to me: it’s a universal language that lets you connect with people anywhere in the world. I’m so glad I didn’t stop exploring this art form, and that my journey continues. Photos and performance videos from Mosey: -Upcoming Events- September 21st INBC SUMMER'S END EVENT -Follow me- Instagram Podcast FB contact form Website -Related blog posts- [Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.16 Is Belly dancing for All Sizes and Shapes? /ポッドキャスト Ep.16 ベリーダンスは「どんな体型も歓迎な踊り」か? [Bilingual post] P

My Dance Videos 2023-

 Nisreen's performance videos ニスリーンの動画。適宜更新いたします。 Music: 'Fire Dance, played by  @indyraqs Venue: Indiana, United States Event: Mosey Improv Performed by: Nisreen Music: 'Aziza' by Mohammed Abdel Wahhab, played by  @indyraqs Venue: Indiana, United States Event: Mosey Improv Performed by: Nisreen Music: 'Sendur' Venue: Indiana, United States Event: Mosey Based on choreography by: Athena Najat  Performed by: Nisreen The first song/ Based on choreography by: Athena Najat  Music: Para Bizde by Rumeli Orhan Kemal Performance: Nisreen The second song/ Choreography: Nisreen Music:  Darbuka Solo Pt. 3 by Bünyamin Olguncan Performance: Nisreen Music: 'Tuta' by 'Farid al-Atrash', played by  @indyraqs Venue: Indiana, United States Event: INBC Belly Dance Annual Bazaar Performed by: Nisreen Choreographed by: Nisreen (primarily improv) Music: 'My Love' by 'Harem' Venue:  'Venue 812' in Indiana, United States Event: INBC Summer's En