Tuesday, December 31, 2024

[Bilingual post] Goodbye 2024 -/ 2024年よ、さようなら

       Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hi all, this is Nisreen. How are you enjoying the winter holidays?

I can hardly believe 2024 is already coming to an end!

This year has been both fruitful and challenging, filled with opportunities for growth and creativity. Here are some highlights from my 2024 journey:

Looking back, 2024 was an incredible year of personal growth, creative achievements, and meaningful connections.

Here’s to a joyful, healthy, and inspiring 2025 for us all!

With warm wishes,

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  • 心理学の学位を取得しました。

  • 町の展覧会にアートで参加しました。
  • Elgin Festival でパフォーマンスしました。

  • 2つのINBCイベントでワークショップ講師とパフォーマーを務めました。そのうちの一つでは、直前に代講の依頼があり対応しました。

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  • 地域のケア付き住宅でもパフォーマンスをしました。

  • YouTubeの対談に出演しました。

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  • 自分のヴィジュアルアート発表用のウェブサイトを作成しました。

  • 最低110枚の絵をオンラインで発表しました。

  • Athena Najat先生のプライベートレッスンを受け始め、トルコのロマのダンスやオリエンタルダンスについてより深く学ぶようになりました。

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Thursday, December 26, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep10 – Wicked Part 1 Review: Read the Magic of Colours /ポッドキャスト S2: Ep10 – ウィキッドPart 1レビュー -色彩の魔法を読み解く!

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 10th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!

The other day, I watched the musical Wicked Part 1, directed by Jon M. Chu, at the cinema. It was such an entertaining, yet thought-provoking, adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, captivated by the compelling story and professional singing performances.

As a visual artist, though, in this episode I’d like to focus on its use of colour, and analyse why it’s so effective.

There are no spoilers until 04:45 —and I’ll give you a warning before they start.  If you haven’t watched the film yet and don’t want to ruin the surprise, please come back to the rest after watching it!

Please find the episode below.
It's available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.
X Script

Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 10th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!

The other day, I watched the musical Wicked Part 1, directed by Jon M. Chu, at the cinema. It was such an entertaining, yet thought-provoking, adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, captivated by the compelling story and professional singing performances.

As a visual artist, though, in this episode I’d like to focus on its use of colour, and analyse why it’s so effective.

Please keep in mind that I haven’t seen the stage musical yet, though I am familiar with the original story of The Wizard of Oz. My perspective is based solely on the current film.

There are no spoilers until the end—and I’ll give you a warning before they start. So, no worries if you haven’t seen the film yet!

1. Pretty in Pink—and Green!

The first thing you’ll notice: Glinda only wears pink!
The character, played by the pop star Ariana Grande, is introduced in an exquisite baby pink dress that looks like something straight out of a dream. It’s the kind of dress I would have adored as a little girl.

Glinda’s wardrobe in varying shades of pink is not just cute; it’s symbolic. Pink represents her innate charm and innocence—qualities that make her so magnetic. Her pink dorm room, filled with sparkly heels and an enviable wardrobe, is like a childhood fantasy.

Pink and green also happen to be complementary colours, sitting opposite each other on the colour wheel. This perfectly reflects Glinda and Elphaba’s contrasting personalities and their deep, complex relationship.

In the stage musical, one of Glinda’s iconic dresses is icy blue, but the film’s costume designer, Paul Tazewell, chose pink for its iconic appeal, and its striking juxtaposition to Elphaba’s green. The result is visually stunning and thematically rich.

The natural elements in the costume design also stand out. For example, Glinda’s ballroom gown is inspired by roses, with organic coral pink tones that feel soft and natural—unlike the bold, flashy pinks seen elsewhere. Similarly, Elphaba’s green skin connects her to nature and animals, both key aspects of her character.

2. Woman in Black

Traditionally, witches wear black, and Elphaba is no exception. However, the delicate, layered black outfits she dons in the film add a chic modernity to her look.

The costume’s design reflects the emotional cage Elphaba has been trapped in since childhood, according to the costume designer. Black, often associated with death and grief in Western culture, perfectly encapsulates her loneliness, and the deep sadness that defines much of her life.

Interestingly, Elphaba is always buttoned up, contrasting with Glinda’s open-collared looks. This choice reflects her reserved, diligent personality and her struggle with self-esteem. Notably, her clothing becomes slightly less restrictive during intimate or vulnerable moments, subtly highlighting her emotional growth.

What excels the show is Cynthia Erivo’s huge dark-coloured eyes, which are incredibly expressive, and convey subtle changes in her emotions. It truly made me understand why eyes are called the window to one’s soul. Her black hair and black attire accentuate those eyes perfectly.

Black is also a powerful colour, representing the immense strength of Elphaba’s “wickedness.”


After this, there will be spoilers- if you haven’t watched the film yet and don’t want to ruin the surprise, please come back after watching it!

Alright? Okay!
















3.                        The Red & Black

The film’s overall palette is soft and organic, but red plays a significant role in a pivotal scene involving Dr. Dillamond, my favourite character. His classroom’s blackboard becomes a canvas for discriminatory graffiti, with harsh red lettering symbolising the oppression magical creatures face.

This stark moment contrasts with the warm, gentle red of the poppies Elphaba gives him, a gesture of solidarity.

The storyline is widely interpreted as a metaphor for antisemitism, with parallels drawn between the demonisation of magical creatures and the historical persecution of Jewish communities. Although I am not sure if it was the writer’s intention, I could definitely see the resemblance there.


4.                        Blue is the Hottest Colour

Fiyero, played by the Bridgerton star Jonathan Bailey, exceeded all my expectations. His royal marine blue suit exudes nobility, and the smoky blue tones used during his interactions with Elphaba create a serene, romantic atmosphere. The way Fiyero encounters Elphaba is reminiscent of a similar scene from the classic novel, Jane Eyre. This contrasts sharply with his playful, public persona— the one that aligns more with Glinda. The difference highlights the depth of his connection with Elphaba, which feels far more meaningful. I appreciate how they portrayed him as a complex human being, not just a pretty face.



Overall, the film’s thoughtful use of colour enriches its storytelling and character development. Glinda and Elphaba’s friendship is a standout, challenging stereotypes about female relationships. They fight, hurt each other, and yet genuinely wish each other happiness.

While most films about platonic friendships focus on like-minded individuals achieving a shared goal, Wicked Part 1 portrays a nuanced, realistic bond between two opposites.

I’m curious to see how their story unfolds in Part 2, but for now, the beauty of their relationship lies in their mutual respect and love, even as they part ways.



How was today’s episode? I hope you enjoyed it!

I’d love to hear your thoughts—please consider leaving a review or reaching out through the contact form linked in the description.

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!

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X  Reference

 Wicked (2024 film) | Wikipedia

Wicked’ Costume Designer Paul Tazewell on Creating Elphaba and Glinda Through Fashion | Teen Vogue

 In Wicked, Costume Designer Paul TazewellMakes Magic | Vogue

'Wicked' Costume Designer Breaks Down Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo’s Dresses | InStyle

'Wicked: Part I' Review Magic | Staged Right

Exploring the Politics of 'Wicked'| Staged Right

Is 'Wicked' Jewish? | Israel Hayom


Why the Jews: History of Antisemitism

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こんにちは、ニスリーンです。私のポッドキャスト・シーズン2の第10話へようこそ!皆さん、お元気でしたか?私は先日、有名なブロードウェイミュージカルの映画版『ウィキッド Part1』を映画館で観ることができました!





また Apple Podcasts , Spotify そして YouTube からもお楽しみいただけます。

X Script

こんにちは、ニスリーンです。私のポッドキャスト・シーズン2の第10話へようこそ!皆さん、お元気でしたか?私は先日、有名なブロードウェイミュージカルの映画版『ウィキッド Part1』を映画館で観ることができました!監督はアメリカのジョン・M・チュウ監督です。




1. プリティ・イン・ピンクーとグリーン







2. ウーマン・イン.ブラック























3.                と黒






4.                ブルーは熱い色






プラトニックな友情を描いた映画の多くは、志を同じくする者同士が共通の目標を達成することに焦点を当てていますが、『ウィキッド Part 1』では、正反対の2人の間にあるニュアンスに富んだ絆が描かれます。これは新鮮であると同時に、より現実的な友情の在り方のようにも思います。





X ソーシャルメディア

X  参考リンク

 Wicked (2024 film) | Wikipedia

Wicked’ Costume Designer Paul Tazewell on Creating Elphaba and Glinda Through Fashion | Teen Vogue

 In Wicked, Costume Designer Paul TazewellMakes Magic | Vogue

'Wicked' Costume Designer Breaks Down Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo’s Dresses | InStyle

'Wicked: Part I' Review Magic | Staged Right

Exploring the Politics of 'Wicked'| Staged Right

Is 'Wicked' Jewish? | Israel Hayom


Why the Jews: History of Antisemitism

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[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.11 Three Artistic LGBTQ-themed Films from the US /ポッドキャスト Ep.11 米国発・LGBTQを描いたアートな映画3選

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Episode 5 Why Romcoms Still Rock /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード5  ロマンティックコメディは不滅

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Episode 7 - Waack Girls: A Dancer’s Perspective /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード7 - Waack Girls: ダンサー目線でレビュー

Friday, December 20, 2024

[Bilingual post] Podcast S2: Ep9 – How Belly Dancing Expanded My Horizon /ポッドキャスト S2:エピソード9- ベリーダンスはどのように私の世界を広げたか

       Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載

Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the ninth episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!

Today, I’d like to delve into how belly dancing has expanded my horizons.

Please find the episode below.
It's available on 
Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.

X Script

Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the ninth episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!

Today, I’d like to delve into how belly dancing has expanded my horizons.

I’ve been teaching and performing belly dance for years now. For those unfamiliar with the term, belly dance is a Western name for dance forms that originate from Middle Eastern, North African, Hellenic, and Turkic cultures. In Arabic, it’s called Raqs Sharqi, while in Turkish, it’s known as Oryantal Dans.

Although I’m not from these cultures, this beautiful dance form and its music have enriched my life in countless ways. This episode is my personal love letter to Oriental dance. I’ll break it down into five points:

1. It Opened My Eyes to the Complexities of Culture and History

As I mentioned, belly dance spans different regions and eras. Learning and experiencing, in my own body, how each style has complex cultural influences and aesthetics stirred my curiosity, and helped me develop a more nuanced view of the world.

For example, when watching an Egyptian dancer, you may first notice intricate hip movements like jiggling, or circular isolations—elements seen in many African countries. On the other hand, the fluid, undulating arm movements evoke influences from Central dance traditions, reflecting centuries of cultural exchange. These diverse elements come together seamlessly in Oriental dance.

I also had the chance to learn a style called American Cabaret, which evolved in North America. While it can be considered distinct from the dances of its countries of origin, it still carries their cultural legacies, and reflects the communal history of migrants.

Coming from Japan, where there’s often a strong “us vs. them” mentality that emphasizes clear-cut boundaries between  ‘local’ and ‘foreign’ culture, belly dance introduced me to a vast cultural intersection. It encouraged me to view the world and its history with more curiosity and nuance. It also made me more aware of global social issues, as they, too, are interconnected.

2. It Helped Me Get Comfortable in My Own Skin

Sensuality is integral to Oriental dance. To perform authentically, a dancer must fully embrace the joy they feel within their body. For me, this process of feeling at ease while dancing took years—it’s only recently that I’ve truly grown comfortable on stage.

In the beginning, my focus was very much on how dancing aligned with society’s standards of attractiveness, as portrayed in magazines or media. The physical fitness benefits of belly dance initially reinforced that mindset. Luxurious costumes and makeup also gave me a confidence boost.

But ironically, this experience ultimately led me to care less about appearances and focus more on my inner feelings. By appreciating what my body can do and feel, I overcame many internalized restrictions about how a woman’s body “should” be viewed or controlled.

3. It Freed My Playfulness and Creative Spirit

One of my favourite aspects of Oriental dance is its creative freedom. While it requires a foundation of solid dance skills, and musical understanding, once you’ve developed your persona as a dancer, you can choreograph your own pieces, or even improvise on stage.

It’s incredibly joyful to interpret music in my own way, using my body as a medium for expression. Even choosing the right costume and props is part of the creative process—it makes me as excited as a child opening Christmas presents!

My mum often jokes that I haven’t changed much since I was a four-year-old dressing up in a bin bag and handkerchief to look like a character from Arabian Nights!

4. It Saved Me from an Unhealthy Lifestyle

As a young girl, I assumed physical activity wasn’t for me—I spent most of my time drawing, and had very low physical strength. I was clumsy, often tripping over my own feet, and my spatial awareness wasn’t great, either.

Starting dance at 16 or 17 completely transformed me. It made me physically stronger and, in turn, boosted my confidence. I can’t imagine what my health would be like today if I hadn’t started dancing back then.

5. It Helped Me Build a Community on the Other Side of the World

I’ve mentioned this in my blog, but one of the things I’m most grateful for is belly dance’s international popularity. It feels like I have a home wherever I go in the world.

After moving from Japan to the US, belly dance helped me integrate into the local community and find a sense of belonging. It also showed me that nationality or ethnicity doesn’t ultimately matter in the world of dance.

I’m particularly thankful that belly dance gave me a transferable skill—something I could rely on when everything around me was new and unfamiliar.


I hope you enjoyed this episode and that my perspective gave you a deeper appreciation for belly dancing!

I’d love to hear your thoughts—please consider leaving a review or reaching out through the contact form linked in the description.

Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!

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 Apple Podcasts , Spotify と YouTubeからもお聴きいただけます。

X スクリプト



アラビア語ではRaqs Sharqiと呼ばれ、トルコ語ではOryantal Dansとして知られています。


1. 文化や歴史の交差性に目を向けるようになった






2. 主体としての自信を持つことを覚えた




3. 遊び心と創造力を解放できるようになった




4. 健康的な生活を手に入れた




5. 世界のどこでも帰属意識が持てるようになった








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