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Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 14th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!
other day, I came across a Psychology Today article titled "8
Things That Toxic Mothers Do” by Peg Streep. The word “toxic” feels worn out on
social media nowadays, but what it really means is behaviour that threatens
others' well-being in some way—emotionally, or psychologically. As I read the
eight alarming signs listed in this article, I started thinking about
incredibly accurate depictions of such mother-child relationships in stories.
In this episode, I am going to introduce two excellent films and two manga that capture the essence of toxic motherhood, and explore some potential ways of healing. I hope you enjoy it!
The thumbnail is my fanart of the film, Qala.
Please find the episode below.
The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts , Spotify and YouTube as well.X Script
this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 14th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s
lovely to speak with you again!
other day, I came across a Psychology Today article titled "8
Things That Toxic Mothers Do” by Peg Streep. The word “toxic” feels worn out on
social media nowadays, but what it really means is behaviour that threatens
others' well-being in some way—emotionally, or psychologically. As I read the
eight alarming signs listed in this article, I started thinking about
incredibly accurate depictions of such mother-child relationships in stories.
In this
episode, I am going to introduce two excellent films and two manga that capture
the essence of toxic motherhood, and explore some potential ways of healing. I
hope you enjoy it!
1. Presence
This is
an American psychological thriller film that came out in 2024, directed by
Steven Soderbergh. It was chilling to see the
mother, Rebecca, played by Lucy Liu, showing zero signs of affection toward her
teenage daughter, Chloe, played by Callina Liang. This corresponds to
“stonewalling” or dismissive behaviour mentioned in the article by Streep. The
mother doesn’t even look at her daughter. Her gaze passes through her, as if
the girl doesn’t exist. The coldness even made me wonder if the two were actually
starkly contrasts with the mother’s obsession with her son, Tyler, played by
Eddy Maday. She literally says the son is her “everything,” and she doesn’t
show any discipline or provide any moral guidance to him. She doesn’t even try
to intervene when he lashes out at his sister; worse, she just giggles when he
brags about bullying a female student at school. What is incredible about the
film is that as the story progresses, this ugly misogyny in the household feels
like the true villain, not the supernatural phenomenon everyone fears.
cinematography is nothing short of marvellous, delicately depicting the family
drama that takes unexpected turns. Even if you are anti-horror like me, it is
worth watching.
2. Qala
favouritism of a boy child seems to be a global issue. Qala, an Indian
Hindi-language piece directed by Anvita Dutt, is another beautiful film that
unfolds the depth of psychological scars left on children by a mother’s
discriminatory behaviour. The film centres on a young female singer, Qala,
played by Tripti Dimri. The music in this film is truly wonderful, though the story behind it
is heartbreaking.
mother, Urmila, showcases the act of “scapegoating”; she blames Qala for the
death of her twin brother, who was stillborn. She trains Qala as a singer, but
manipulates her into believing she is “never enough,” and that she’s taking something
away from her dead brother if she ever succeeds. Just like in Presence,
the mother’s actions are depicted as irredeemable.
remarkable difference is that this story clearly indicates that the mother is
also a victim of sexism in society—she too suffered from inhumane treatment as
a woman, and sadly passed the legacy onto her daughter. Furthermore, unlike the
mother in Presence, who had a caring male partner yet shut him out,
Urmila has no supportive partnership whatsoever. Consequently, the story does
not offer any clear solutions. I found a strange sense of relief in this grim tale,
though, because it embraces the depths of desperation within many women.
3. Boy’sAbyss
Abyss (Shōnen
no Abisu) is a Japanese drama manga written and illustrated by Ryō
Minenami, serialized from 2020 to 2024. The story centres on a suicidal
17-year-old boy, Reiji Kurose, who lives with his dysfunctional family in a
rural area. His grandmother with dementia, unemployed older brother, and single
mother all feel like burdens to him. Additionally, he suffers from relentless
bullying by a group of toughs led by Gen Minegishi, who was once his best
friend. Then, one day, he unexpectedly encounters his favourite girl-band
member, Nagi Aoe, in a local convenience store, and his monotonous life takes a
dramatic turn.
English, the story is often criticized as a “hot mess” or “erotic soap opera,”
but I completely disagree! While the manga caters to its main audience, young
men, with occasional fan service, it does not detract from the excellence of
the story. The primary theme in it is how to break free from trauma passed down
from one’s guardian.
mother, Yuko, checks almost all boxes of toxic mother traits, but she stands
out in particular for her manipulativeness. She repeatedly plays the victim,
even to her own child, leading him to believe he can never leave the town. The
tricky part is that as evil as Yuko appears, she too is a victim of her town’s dysfunctional
social structure. The story masterfully depicts Reiji’s complicated emotional
journey as he struggles with pity for his mother, while striving to become his
own person.
4. Iguana Girl
I’d like to introduce the iconic Japanese manga Iguana Girl (Iguana
no Musume), written and illustrated in 1992 by Moto Hagio. Moto Hagio is
known for exploring mother-daughter issues in her manga, even as early as the
1970s—a time when such issues were barely recognized in society.
manga is structured like a fairy tale or fantasy, where only the mother,
Yuriko, sees her daughter, Rika, as an iguana from birth, even though
everyone else sees a beautiful human girl. Strangely, Rika herself also
identifies as an iguana. Yuriko avoids Rika and treats her with cold
sternness, while she showers love on her younger sister, who appears “human” to
her. Rika grows up with low self-esteem and a desperate hunger for her
mother’s affection.
the story is short, it leaves a lasting impact. Among all the works I mentioned
earlier, I believe this one offers the most realistic healing process. Rika successfully sets emotional boundaries with her mother by understanding her
mother’s own self-loathing. It’s a great example of using compassion in a
healthy way, rather than leaning into self-sacrifice.
the artwork's humour softens the weight of the theme beautifully.
four stories help explore the complicated psychology of mother-child issues and
the path to healing.
How did
you find today’s episode? I hope you enjoyed it! I’d love to hear your
thoughts—please consider leaving a review or comment.
you so much for listening. Goodbye for now!
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私は先日、ネットで「毒になる母親がする8つのこと」というペグ・ストリープによるPsychology Todayの記事を見つけました。「毒」英語で[toxic]という言葉は最近ネットで使い古されている感がありますが、本来、感情的、心理的に他人の幸せを脅かす行動を指します。この記事に挙げられている8つの兆候を読み、そのような毒を持つ母と子の関係が信じられないほど正確に描かれている物語が頭に浮かびました。このエピソードでは、毒があるとされる母の在り方の本質を捉えた2本の優れた映画と2本の漫画を紹介し、解決策を導き出すにはどうしたら良いのか考えていきたいと思います!楽しんでいただければ嬉しいです。
1. Presence
2. Qala
3. 少年のアビス
4. イグアナの娘
X 関連リンク
- Psychology Today- 8 Things That Toxic Mothers Do
- Parade-8 Signs You Have a Toxic Mother and How To Heal—According to Psychologists
- Most mums admit favouring sons, say researchers
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